Staff Wellness Resources
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Please note that many of our Mindfulness resources are provided by The Teaching Well organization. To view their videos and other free resources, please create an account via their website. If you already have an account, you can login here.
Mindful Eating
Mindful eating can be done by practicing something akin to 5-4-3-2-1. By activating the 5 senses, we can make every meal a meditation if we slow down enough to become aware of the felt sensations of eating. Click the linked images below for a walk-through video and downloadable pdf for this exercise.

Body Brushing
Body brushing engages our largest organ in our body to access the nerves of our skin that can calm the nerves in our mind. Additionally, using our hands to brush our skin can promote more flow in our lymphatic system, which can lead to increased immunity to the stressors of our body. Click the linked images below for a walk-through video and downloadable pdf for this exercise.

Financial Wellness
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Financial Resources
This page was last updated on October 7, 2024