Why do we need assessments? Link to this section
Assessments are an important part of SFUSD’s plan for high-quality teaching and learning, which seeks to help all students graduate prepared for college-level coursework and a 21st-century career. Like class assignments and report cards, assessments provide information to schools, teachers and parents as one gauge of student progress toward mastery of grade and/or course learning goals.
State Assessments Link to this section
State assessments are annual measures that provide a broad view of a student’s proficiency relative to grade- or course-level standards. These culminating assessments can provide a general sense of how students and schools are doing for families, school and district leaders, and state policy makers. State assessments administered in SFUSD are : California Science Test, Smarter Balanced Assessments in Math in and English Language Arts, Physical Fitness Test, and English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).
SBAC Results from 2022-23 Now Available from the California Department of Education
State Assessment Information for SFUSD Staff.

English Language Development
English Language Proficiency Assessments for CA (ELPAC)
Grades K-12
Learn more about ELPAC (Guide for Families)
SFUSD ELPAC Web Page (Staff/Internal)

English Language Arts and Mathematics
Smarter Balanced Assessment / California Alternative Assessment
Grades 3-8; 11

California Science Test (CAST) / CAA
Grades 5, 8, and 11

Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
Grades 5, 7 and 9
District Assessments Link to this section

District Assessments in Reading and Math for Families
Common district assessments are one of many tools used to monitor and support student progress.

District Assessments in Reading and Math For Staff
Common district assessments are one of many tools used to monitor and support student progress.
Report Cards Link to this section

Reporting on Student Progress
Resources for families regarding report card formats and timelines can be found by following the appropriate link below:
Elementary School
This page was last updated on July 30, 2024