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Culminating Events
2019-2020 Newsletter Link to this section
Gloria Siech Recipient
Rocio Ramirez has taught for over 20 years in our SFUSD Physical Education Department. She is well recognized and respected among her colleagues and students for her dedication and leadership abilities as a teacher, and as a department head at Balboa High School. She consistently strives to strengthen the quality of physical education instruction, and improve her own teaching practices. She regularly teaches our students to achieve & maintain healthy, knowledgable, and physically active lifestyles. Rocio is a leader, exhibits professionalism and models exemplary teaching practices. On top of being a wonderful teacher, and role model for our staff and students, she is an accomplished championship cheer coach.
Pond Rippler Awards
We would also like to recognize the two teachers who received the Pond Rippler Award.
- Justin Alander-Yasonia (elementary teacher on special assignment)
- Corey Capozziello (Middle School teacher at Visitacion Valley)
This page was last updated on May 15, 2020