Online Donations
Annual Fund
Consider making a donation to the PTA’s Annual Fund campaign. Your generosity and that of the PTA community makes it possible for our students to thrive and embody McKinley’s core values of inclusivity, equity, diversity, compassion, self-discovery, life-long learning, perseverance, critical thinking, curiosity, creativity, collaboration, and individual expression. This is why your annual contribution matters so much.
Ways To Donate
Online one-time donation or online monthly donations via your PayPal account or credit card to make a secure donation to the McKinley PTA
Mail the donation form to the McKinley PTA, 1025 14th St, San Francisco, CA 94114
Donate gifts of stock via
Call 908-510-3585
Double your donation to the Annual Fund through a Corporate Matching Gift!
Many companies, large and small, offer matching gift programs to encourage charitable giving. Some even match gifts made by retirees, family members, and friends of McKinley PTA. Some companies that have matched donations to the McKinley PTA before include Apple, Google, Airbnb, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Adobe, and Genentech. Check with your HR department if they match and start the process today!
Why Donate?
This year, with your help, McKinley’s PTA is committed to providing $364,925 to augment McKinley's total budget, which represents $1,431 per student. This means that thanks to you and the PTA community, your student is getting an additional $1,431 toward the value of their education!
Your contributions help provide math and literacy specialists for both students and educators, teacher professional development, supplementary curriculum, arts education, books for the library, and upgrades to the computer lab.
The PTA makes possible the many school and community events that bring us together and create the McKinley community we all value. These include the Welcome Back Picnic, HarvestFest, DogFest, assemblies for Lunar New Year and Black History Month, STEAM Night, and grade-specific trips.
McKinley’s lower enrollment in response to the pandemic means less district funding and fewer families to fundraise from, which is why your annual contribution matters so much.
While the lingering aftermath of the pandemic negatively impacted all students, not all students were affected equally. Low-income families, students of color, immigrants, English learners, and other students from institutionally marginalized communities have and continue to face compounded challenges.
Your donation is always tax-deductible (Employer I.D. 13-4317995, Federal tax-exempt GEN-0646, under the umbrella of our parent organization, CAPTA).
We ask that you please give a gift that is meaningful to your family. Donation amounts range from $25 to many thousands, and everywhere in between. No matter how much your family is comfortable donating, if you are able, please donate. No gift is too small. Our sincere hope is to see every McKinley family contribute what they can.
Please contact Annual Fund Co-Chairs at or Nefeli Tsaloglou, VP of Fundraising for McKinley PTA at 617-304-0750.
This page was last updated on September 6, 2023