McKinley's Parent Teacher Association (PTA)


The PTA’s purpose is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

Through McKinley’s PTA, we balance fundraising to help supplement our children’s educational experience with events to build our community.  At McKinley, “ALL our children are all OUR children.”  

The money raised by the PTA supplements the school site budget so that McKinley can offer arts enrichment, extra staffing (i.e., class-size reduction teacher in the upper grades, literacy/math specialist, literacy coach, full-time social worker), staff to provide lunchtime & recess support, school supplies, gardening projects, and a number of school-wide events.

Learn more at these links about our PTA's Fundraising, Events, and Committees

Join the PTA

Your PTA membership is incredibly valuable to our kids, our school, and our community.  McKinley families can now pay PTA dues electronically through the Totem link below.  Please click on the button below to make your payment. Dues are $5 per person, plus $1.00 to cover the Totem service charge.

Please be sure to enter each member’s name and the classroom(s) that the member(s) is/are associated with.

As always, donations which will go toward memberships for families who cannot afford dues are welcome and appreciated.  Please be sure to mention if your payment includes an additional donation.

PTA Sign-up (Totem)

Questions? Contact our Membership Chair at

PTA Meetings

PTA meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of the month, starting in September. The entire community is welcome to attend. Check the calendar in Konstella for the exact dates, because there can be variations.

Meetings are via Zoom till further notice.

For more information, email

PTA Officers for 2022-23 School Year

  • Brynne Duty, President
  • Joy Jones, Executive Vice President
  • Deb Parsons, Treasurer
  • Justyna Wrobel, Financial Secretary
  • Nefeli Tsaloglou, Vice President of Fundraising
  • Kelly Gillease, Vice President of Communications
  • Aaron Johnson, Secretary
  • Russ Cole, Historian
  • Megan Kenny, Parliamentarian
  • Glenn Solomon-Hill, PTA Membership Chair
  • Vacant, Mosaic Chair 

This page was last updated on November 6, 2023