Are you ready for Bike & Roll to School Week April 24-28?

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Early Education
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Announcement Message

Bike and Roll to School Week website:

Next week is Bike & Roll to School Week! Are you ready?

Join thousands of families and students all throughout San Francisco in walking, biking, scooting, and taking transit to school! San Francisco Bike & Roll to School Week builds healthy habits, reduces carbon emissions surrounding schools, and reduces traffic congestion around the white zones at schools. Registration for school organizers are closed but you are still able to pledge to participate to be eligible for a gift card or bike!

Tips for getting ready for Bike & Roll to School Week

  1. Wear a properly fitted helmet for your safety. For children under 18, it’s the law.
  2. Be visible when you ride. Wear bright clothing and use a bright white light and red light in the rear for early mornings and after the sun has set.
  3. Follow the rules of the road and use marked bike lanes when possible. Ride with your children until they are ready to ride on their own.
  4. Have a little extra time this week? Practice your skills in car-free spaces. Children age 13 and under may ride on the sidewalk.

Comfortable with biking and leading group rides?

Try organizing a Bike Train or Bike Bus! A bike train or bike bus is a group of students and adults who bike to school together, making stops along a previously designated route to pick up others as they approach the school. Check out the Bike Train Tip Sheet from Safe Routes to School to get started today. This is a fun and safe way to get to school while building community with your school network!

SF Bike & Roll to School Week is a San Francisco Safe Routes to School event coordinated by the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition

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