Community Partners Forums and Ongoing Network

SFUSD staff work with community organizations, family advisory committees and city partners to facilitate opportunities to strengthen our collaboration, to support each and every one of our students to succeed.

Find materials for upcoming events + notes, presentations and recordings of recent Partner forums.

Partners Forum on May 18, 2021

Participants Agenda

Coming soon!

  • Notes, recording & feedback/responses
  • Participants / contacts list

Stay connected! Contacts for ongoing networking & collaboration

We're sharing the email addresses of people who registered for the forums we've held since April 2020, so you can connect and continue networking, coordination and collaboration. 

Please let us know if you have updates for the information shared on this list.

Partners Forum on November 10, 2020

Participant Agenda & Presentation Deck from the November 10th Community Partners Forum


We offer these resources and encourage participants to explore these materials - knowing some will be deeply familiar with this work, while others might be seeing them for the first time. 

Defining Anti-Racism + video with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and Robin D'Angelo

What White Children Need to Know about Race, article by Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli

Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture (in different formats):

Videos exploring Abolitionist Teaching:

Partners Forum on August 13, 2020

The focus of the Forum on Thursday, August 13th, was to share information about fall learning and support for students and families; and to strategize on how SFUSD, the City and community partners can continue to collaborate.  This forum was developed and facilitated by a team of family & community leaders and SFUSD staff.    

District leaders shared updated information about the Fall Learning Plan and resources for families, and DCYF staff provided information about the Community Learning Hubs being developed by the City.

We're sharing the email addresses of people who registered for the forums we've held over the spring and summer, so you can connect and continue networking!

SFUSD Town Halls: July 2020

Watch the Town Halls for students, families, SFUSD staff and community partners, on YouTube videos.

Partners Forum on June 5, 2020

On Friday, June 5, we convened the third in a series of Community Partner Forums that were imagined, developed and facilitated by a team of family & community leaders and SFUSD staff.  Nearly 150 people participated in the online forum!

We facilitated breakout groups to explore and work on eight topics identified as priority areas of need in the first two forums.

  • Here are the overall notes from the Forum, which include links to notes from each of the breakout groups; the Forum evaluations/feedback; and the slide deck presented during the forum.  

  • Over 300 people from more than 200 organizations, as well as City agencies and SFUSD schools and departments, participated in the forums.   

We're sharing the email addresses of people who registered for the forums, so you can connect and continue networking!

Partners Forum on May 15, 2020

On Friday, May 15, we convened the second in a series of Community Partner Forums being imagined, developed and facilitated by a team of family & community leaders and SFUSD staff.  Over 170 people participated in the online forum!

We facilitated nine breakout groups to explore and work on nine areas of need around which we are organizing in collaboration.

  • Here are the overall notes from the Forum, which include links to notes from each of the breakout groups; the Forum evaluations/feedback; and the slide deck presented during the forum.  

  • We are using these notes and evaluations to shape the third forum, on June 5.

Over 300 people from more than 175 organizations, as well as City agencies and SFUSD schools and departments, registered for the forums.

Partners Forum on April 27, 2020

On Monday, April 27, 2020 we convened the first in a series of Community Partner Forums being imagined, developed and facilitated by a team of family & community leaders and SFUSD staff.  Over 265 people participated in the online forum!

Based on the breakout group discussions and surveys, we have identified nine areas of need around which we will organize in collaboration.

Here is the slide deck presented during the forum. 

Partnerships Network Meeting on February 26, 2020

On February 26, community partners and SFUSD staff participated in a conversation as part of a series of stakeholder sessions to share priorities and ideas about revising SFUSD's policy for assigning students to schools.   Thank you to the Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco for hosting the conversation!

You can review presentations and read the notes in this folder.

Partnerships Network Meeting on January 16, 2020

On Thursday, January 16, over 60 community partners along with SFUSD staff participated in our first Partnerships Network meeting of the new year!  Thank you to Tenderloin Community School for hosting the Network's meeting.

In this meeting Superintendent Matthews and Deputy Superintendent Ford-Morthel shared their frame for SFUSD's work to support African American student success, including the PITCH initiative.

You can review presentations and read the notes in this folder.

This page was last updated on June 20, 2021