Daily Wellness Drop-In
Drop in to the Galileo Wellness Center in Room 151 to say hello to Wellness Staff, check in about what's going on, get support, or to get more information about resources through the Wellness Center and in San Francisco.
When: Monday - Friday
Hours: 08:40-04:00pm
This is a great time to refer yourself or a friend, schedule an appointment with us, or just to say hello!

Office Hours with Sydney!
Office Hours: 08:40-03:30pm
What you tell me is still confidential, with the same exceptions as before (I'll remind you of these when we meet).
How to reach me:
Call me -
- Work Phone: (628) 900-3067 | call/text available
- Office Phone: (415) 749-3430 ext. 3162

Office Hours with Auxi!
Office Hours: 08:40-04:00pm
Feel free to reach out and say hi!
I'm here to talk about groups, resources, support, and other helpful stuff to support you as we navigate distance learning, high school and more!
What you tell me is still confidential, with the same exceptions as before (I'll remind you of these when we meet).
How to reach me:
- Work Phone: (628) 900-2993 | Call/text available
- Office Phone: (415) 749-3430 ext. 3994
This page was last updated on August 23, 2022