Quality Action Plan: The Bus

Quality Action Plan Bus

Full QAP Bus 19-20


The Doors, Wheels & Windows of the Bus

Our ExCEL programs strive to provide high quality after school experiences for youth. We imagine the Quality Action Plan (the QAP) as a vehicle—supporting young people on their academic, social, and emotional journeys.

The DOORS of our bus represent our belief that we can help make social justice a reality by ensuring that 1) the students in our programs have ACCESS to high-quality academic and socio-emotional learning supports and 2) that our programs are led by community partners who have an unwavering commitment to EQUITY.

  • EQUITY is a necessary component in narrowing the opportunity gap and addressing social injustice by recognizing, respecting, and attending to the diverse strengths and challenges of the students we serve. ExCEL programs strive to provide access to high quality programs that are linked to learning for all participating students.

The WHEELS of the QAP bus represent the foundational elements that support program quality and keep ExCEL programs moving forward towards excellence:  creating Strong Systems & Structures, and Intentional Program Design based on data. 

The WINDOWS on the QAP bus represent the three programmatic areas of every ExCEL program:  Safe and Supportive Culture & Climate, Healthy Active Youth, and Teaching & Learning.  Each window is made up of both BASIC ELEMENTS and BEST PRACTICES, which are observable indicators of exemplary programs.

Theory of Action

The Quality Action Plan (QAP) is informed by our Theory of Action and driven by data. The QAP improvement process helps sites to strategically plan and reflect on their practice. 

ExCEL Theory of Action QAP

ExCEL’s Theory of Action illustrates how intentional program design and implementation creates high quality programming and impacts student success.  ExCEL after school programs serve more than 17,000 students each year. Providing high quality after school experiences for these SFUSD youth can result in positive benefits that may contribute towards their success in school and life. ExCEL’s Quality Action Plan is informed by this Theory of Action and grounded in social emotional learning. ExCEL after school programs participate in a structured planning & reflection journey to learn, grow, and provide high quality programs for SFUSD students.

The Quality Action Plan for SY23-24

View or download the Quality Action Plan for school year 2023-24.


This page was last updated on August 25, 2023