April 22, 2020 - Family Digest

April 22, 2020 Link to this section

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Dear SFUSD Families:

I’m thrilled that so many students are engaging in learning while at home. Over 95% of 3rd-12th grade students logged into their SFUSD online classroom last week. Let’s celebrate our students for finding ways to engage in school work through distance learning (and the families and teachers who are helping them). 

Other Resources

  • City of San Francisco:
  • School Closures is a nonprofit hotline that provides information and free tutoring for families during COVID-19 school closures.
    • Call or text this free hotline at 1-855-264-2051.
    • Parents and teachers can call in with questions about a wide range of issues, including where to find meals, tools for online learning, how to use Google classroom, how to engage kids while working from home, or just to have someone to talk to who can listen and empathize with their situation. 
    • This hotline is not specific to SFUSD (see SFUSD Family Resource Link information), but SFUSD staff have checked it out and found it helpful.

School Closure Digest Changes

  • Starting next week, April 27, the School Closure Digest will be shared with our entire SFUSD community once a week every Wednesday evening. 
  • SFUSD will continue to share new updates online, through social media and other ways.
  • We invite you to reach out if you have questions. Staff may email staffingquestions@sfusd.edu and families may email familylink@sfusd.edu 


Reminder - Continuity of Learning Technology Resources

Reminder - Food Resources

Health and Wellness Link to this section

The Child Mind Institute has a wealth of resources to support families coping during this time. They note that your children may be feeling more anxious these days. Here a a few ways to help them understand and manage their feelings:

  • Label emotions and their intensity
  • Ask "yes" or "no" questions about their feelings
  • Create daily routines that include exercise
  • Model calmness and mindfulness

Bright Spot Link to this section

I’m excited to see our young scholars are enjoying SF Loves Learning. Tune in tomorrow from 2-3 pm on KTVU Plus for another hour of joyful learning and find past episodes on our website! 

Warm regards,
Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthews

This page was last updated on April 22, 2020