Do I need a credential? Link to this section
Credentials are required for employment in all certificated positions at SFUSD. It is necessary for educators to hold appropriate credentials for their assignments because in doing so, we ensure that students receive the quality education they deserve and the district fulfills our responsibility under Education Code §44258.9 to have evidence of the legal basis for the assignment of each educator.

Who is the CTC?
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (also known as the CTC) is the state agency that issues educator credentials. SFUSD does not grant credentials, but if you are selected for a position and qualify for a credential, we can submit your application to the CTC on your behalf.
What kind of credential do I need? Link to this section
There are many different types of credentials which authorize different assignments, but these are the most common.
Building your Career as an Educator in SFUSD Link to this section
The SFUSD Induction Program Link to this section
This page was last updated on June 17, 2024