E.E.D. Out Of School Time (OST)
SFUSD’s Early Education Department launched the Out-Of-School Time (OST) Program to help children in transitional kindergarten (TK) through fifth grade use their free time by building on what they’ve learned during the school day, by developing new skills, and by discovering new interests.
Educate. Enrich. Discover. Link to this section
Finding just the right after school program to keep your child engaged in between school and home can be a challenge. After all, you don’t want basic childcare while you’re working; you want to make sure your child is actually thriving. SFUSD’s Early Education Department launched the Out-Of-School Time (OST) Program to fill this need, helping children in transitional kindergarten (TK) through fifth grade use their free time by building on what they’ve learned during the school day, by developing new skills, and by discovering new interests.
We operate over 65 classrooms at 19 sites with over 2000 students, cultivating a safe, high quality and culturally sensitive space for your child throughout the entire year – including spring and summer breaks and teacher in-service days. For your convenience, OST also provides busing between some of SFUSD’s elementary schools to program sites at our early education schools, and many of our OST sites are also located near public transportation hubs.
Link to Early Education Department Enrollment Forms and information for OST
Frequently Asked Questions Link to this section
How old does my child need to be to qualify for OST?
Students in grades TK through 5th may enroll in an OST classroom.
How do I know if I qualify for subsidized tuition?
Please call one of our OST Offices to find out if you qualify.
If my child is not an SFUSD student, can they enroll in OST?
If I live OR work outside of San Francisco, can I still enroll my child for OST?
Do I need to provide address verification to enroll in OST?
Proof of address for the state of California is required to enroll in Early Education Department programs.
More about Out Of School Time (OST) Link to this section
This page was last updated on December 23, 2022