Health Education Content Standards for California Public Schools
Policies and Mandates Link to this section
The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) seeks to ensure that all students receive comprehensive health education that is age appropriate, factual, skills based, medically accurate, and objective. Below you will find a number of national, state, and SFUSD policies related to comprehensive health education. Policies are reviewed, adopted, implemented, and updated to reflect current needs and to support all members of our school community, including teachers, staff and students.
Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction
SFUSD Board Policy 6142.1
The Governing Board desires to provide a well-planned, integrated sequence of medically accurate and inclusive instruction on comprehensive sexual health and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention. The District's educational program shall provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect them from sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy and to have healthy, positive, and safe relationships and behaviors. The District's educational program shall also promote students' understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development and their development of healthy attitudes and behaviors concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family.
Access to sensitive services in the community
California Education Code 46010.1
Releasing students for confidential medical services: school authorities may excuse any pupil in grades 7 through 12 from school for the purpose of obtaining confidential medical services without the consent of the pupil’s parent or guardian.
Parent Notification
California Education Code 51930 and 51939
Parents/guardians are to be notified at least 14 days prior to classroom instruction about sexuality, including human reproduction and sexually transmitted infections. Signed returned permission slips are not required - simply notify in writing. The SFUSD Student and Family Handbook distribution - which should occur at the beginning of the school year at all sites - fulfills notification requirements if a credentialed SFUSD staff member will do the teaching.
If an outside guest speaker will come in to teach the topics, an additional letter must be sent home to caretakers at least 14 days prior to the presentation. (All guest speakers must be approved by the district through the MOU/contract process). Parents/guardians are to be given the opportunity to review sexuality-related materials, and to exclude their children from classroom instruction without penalty. They should notify the school in writing of the exclusion.
Condom Availability Program
SFUSD Board Policy 5141.25, California Education Code 19-24-Sp1
Requires a Condom Availability Program at all SFUSD Middle and High Schools; delineates guidelines, parent/guardian notification, exclusions, education component, and abstinence message. Creates alliance with schools and community health care providers.
Guidelines for Outside Speakers
SFUSD Board Policy P6302, California Education Code 51550
Provides guidelines for comprehensive sexual health education or HIV/AIDS prevention education taught by an outside Community Based Organization (CBO), or presented by a guest speaker at an assembly. If sexual health or HIV/AIDS is provided in either of these manners, caregivers must be notified about the date of the instruction, the name of the organization and/or affiliation of each guest speaker, and information stating the right of the parent or guardian to request a copy of section 51933 and 51934. Notice shall be made by mail or another commonly used method of notification, no fewer than 14 days before the instruction is delivered.
Curriculum and Material Review Task Force (CMRTF) Link to this section
Each year, as required by district, state, and federal guidelines, the Curriculum and Materials Review Task Force (CMRTF) reviews materials that deal with sexuality or related content and makes recommendations about their use in SFUSD classrooms. Materials are evaluated and selected based on age and developmental appropriateness, cultural inclusion, relevance, and consistency with community norms.
Comprehensive Sexual Health Education
California Education Code 51933 and California Bill AB 329
Comprehensive Sexual Health Education in Middle and High School must be age appropriate, factual, medically accurate, and objective. Lessons must be inclusive and accepting of all sexual orientations, include information about all available birth control methods, and teach about STI and HIV prevention, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, intimate partner violence, and many other topics.
Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education
SFUSD Board Policy 6302, SFUSD Board Policy 6142.1 and the California Healthy Youth Act
SFUSD provides a well-planned, integrated sequence of medically accurate and inclusive instruction on comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention. Lessons are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect them from sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy and to have healthy, positive, and safe relationships and behaviors.
The district’s educational program promotes understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development and the development of healthy attitudes and behaviors concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family.
As required by Education Code 51934, comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education needs to be offered to all students in grades 7-12, including at least once in middle school and at least once in high school.
Curriculum should be unbiased and inclusive of all students in the classroom, and be aligned with the state’s content standards.
HIV Infection and other medical conditions
SFUSD Board Policy P5143
Supports existing laws maintaining confidentiality of medical conditions of all students and staff.
Meeting the Needs of LGBTQ Students
SFUSD Board Policy 610-8A6, California Bill AB537
Prescribes a variety of activities, interventions, accountability, and support to ensure that schools are a safe place for LGBTQ youth. Ensures that sexual orientation and gender identity are included as protected categories in all non-discrimination policies and procedures applying to all SFUSD students, teachers, staff, administrators, and other employees.
Implementation of the Family Diversity Curriculum
SFUSD Board Policy 69-26A1
Affirms the support the the Family Diversity Curriculum as a key part of the SFUSD's Health and Family Life curriculum, and assures that approved materials are made available at every school. It also assures that a specified number are implemented by every K-8 teachers every year.
Non-Discrimination of Cooperating Organizations
SFUSD Board Policy 512-10Sp2, City and County of San Francisco Policy 18 – 13A6
All organizations, associates, and independent contractors providing programs, services, and activities to SFUSD must have a non-discrimination policy.
Sensitive Services/Minor Rights
California Family Law Code Section 6920-6929
Parental/guardian consent is not required for minors under the age of 18 to access sensitive services. These services may include treatment having to do with drugs/alcohol, reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, and mental health.
Sensitive Services/Minor Rights
California Education Code Family Code 6920-6929
Minors of any age can access sexual health information and treatment for pregnancy prevention and STDs without parental/guardian consent, and minors over age 12 can access HIV testing without parental/guardian consent.
Sexual Harassment
SFUSD Board Policy P566 and P5111.4
Prohibits verbal, sexual, emotional remarks, activity, or behaviors that are suggestive, demeaning, or threatening. Applies to students and all school personnel.
Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and other Drugs
California Education Code 48900 and SFUSD Board Policy on Safe and Supportive Schools
Maintains a tobacco, and drug-free environment in all district buildings, grounds, and vehicles including district-sponsored events and activities.As of 2014, the SFUSD Board of Education prohibits the use of products containing tobacco and/or nicotine, including, but not limited to, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew, clove cigarettes, and electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as electronic cigarettes, any time, in charter school or school district-owned or leased buildings, on school or district property, and in school district vehicles.
SFUSD Tobacco Referral Policy
California Education Code 48900 and SFUSD Board Policy on Safe and Supportive Schools
This policy addresses the need to provide interventions other than suspension for students caught using tobacco. If student continues to be caught smoking, suspension can be a final intervention when all others have failed.
Transgender Non-discrimination
SFUSD Board Policy R5163
Advises school site staff and administration regarding transgender and gender non-conforming student needs in order to create a safe learning environment for all students, and ensures that every student has equal access to all components of their educational program.
Vigilance Against Hate Crime Toward LGBTQ Youth
SFUSD Board Policy 810-27A1
Designed to protect the students of San Francisco and to send a message to other LGBTQ youth throughout the nation that they are valued and are integral components of their education system. Requires investigation and correction of all actions, decisions, and policies that result in the direct or subtle perpetration of hate crimes. View SFUSD LGBTQ Student Rights
Wellness Policy
SFUSD Board Policy P5167
In April 2015, the Board of Education approved an updated wellness policy that was developed through a collaborative community process. Wellness Policy (P5167) meets all the provisions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA), and provides all schools with a framework to actively promote the health and wellness of students, staff and families. View details at www.sfusd.edu/bewell.
This page was last updated on September 13, 2023