What is the timeline?


The Resource Alignment Initiative has five focus areas. Each focus area has numerous phases, from project planning to school site implementation, with overlapping actions. The chart below depicts the timeline of what will be happening when for Focus Area Five: Creating a New School Portfolio

The RAI has numerous phases, with some overlapping actions.

RAI timeline

Phase 0: Planning

  • August 2023: Superintendent Wayne announces the Resource Alignment Initiative and commits to guiding principles (see here for Dr. Wayne’s August letter to the communityDistrict staff’s RAI presentation, and a video recording of the discussion)  
  • September 2023: District staff begins planning RAI steps, determining resources needed, and researching other districts’ efforts to learn from their successes and failures
  • September 2023: District staff begin creating fact bases shared with the District Advisory Committee beginning in January 2024
  • September 2023: District staff begin resource planning and analysis for RAI focus areas one through four: school staffing model, central office reorganization, property use, and programs  
  • November 2023: The District Advisory Committee kicks off, begins reviewing SFUSD’s resource alignment strategies

Phase 1: Share Fact Base, Create Criteria, Conduct Equity Checks

  • January 2024: The District Advisory Committee begins reviewing fact bases, beginning with high school 
  • March 2, 2024: At SFUSD’s School Planning Summit, Superintendent Wayne shares RAI updates and announces the District’s intention to merge, co-locate, and close schools
  • March 2024: SFUSD will begin to engage staff, school communities, external stakeholders, and the broader community 
  • March through May 2024: The general public will give input on draft criteria for school mergers, co-locations, and closures (see How Can I Get Involved for details). The District will engage in two cycles of engagement. After each cycle, the District will play back community feedback and show how feedback was incorporated.
  • May through August 2024: Stanford University researchers will conduct a third-party equity audit to ensure no community or student group is disproportionately affected by resource alignment recommendations.
  • June 2024: Superintendent Wayne will present initial criteria for mergers, co-locations, and closures to the Board of Education.

Phase 2: Apply Criteria to SFUSD’s Schools

  • June through November 2024: A consultant will review the RAI’s initial proposals for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The CEQA review is required by law. 
  • July and August 2024: District staff will review the criteria, equity audit, and initial CEQA findings.
  • August to September 2024: The District will share final criteria based on the equity audit through community meetings.
  • September/October 2024: Superintendent Wayne will present to the Board of Education the proposed list of schools affected by mergers, co-locations, and closures.

Phase 3: Engage with Affected Schools; Board Votes on Superintendent Recommendations

  • September through November 2024: Based on the final criteria, District staff begin to engage each school community affected by a proposed merger, co-location, or closure.
  • December 2024: Superintendent Wayne proposes to the Board of Education a final recommended slate of schools to merge, co-locate, or close. The Board votes on the recommendation.

Phase 4: Support Affected Schools, Families, Students, and Staff

  • January 2025 through May 2026: SFUSD deeply supports families, students, and staff to plan for mergers, co-locations, or closures

This page was last updated on March 25, 2024