SFUSD Secondary Mathematics Pathways

Introduction Link to this section

On March 15, 2024, San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) Superintendent Dr. Matt Wayne  announced the pilot schools that will offer Algebra 1 in eighth grade in the 2024-25 school year, as well as new details in supporting all middle and K-8 schools to provide access to Algebra 1 for students. The Board of Education also supported the actions necessary to implement the recommendations of Superintendent Wayne to revise SFUSD’s middle school math pathways and curriculum over the next three academic years, from 2024 to 2027.

Three middle grades prototypes for the 2024 - 2025 school year
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SFUSD is providing Algebra 1 in 8th grade in various ways in the 2024 - 2025 school year. For the 2024-25 school year, the pilot will include the following prototypes, which were developed with feedback from middle-grade students, parents and guardians, teachers, leaders, and community organizations:

Algebra 1 for All in 8th grade

Algebra I for All in 8th Grade will be piloted at Alice Fong Yu K-8 School, Roosevelt Middle School, and A.P. Giannini Middle School. 

  • In this prototype, all students are enrolled in Algebra I in eighth grade. Those students who do not demonstrate grade level proficiency will be provided additional support such as access to a Math 8 Lab course.
Prototype 1: Flow chart showing how Algebra 1 for all in 8th grade will work

Readiness and Interest

Readiness and Interest will be piloted at Rooftop K-8 School.

  • In this prototype, eighth graders take the Math 8/ Algebra 1 compression course based on readiness or interest. All students who meet the designated proficiency criteria will be automatically enrolled, and will have the option to opt-out. Students who are below proficient may also opt-in.
Prototype 2: Flow chart showing 8th grade students who are ready and interested in Algebra 1

Additional Math Period

Additional Math Period will be piloted at Aptos Middle School, Willie Brown Jr. Middle School, Everett Middle School, Francisco Middle School, Marina Middle School, and Presidio Middle School.

  • In this prototype, Algebra I will be offered as a second math course during the school day. All students who meet the designated proficiency criteria will be automatically enrolled, and will have the option to opt-out. Students who are below proficient may also opt-in.
Prototype 3: 8th grade students taking Algebra 1 in an additional math period

Additional ways to accelerate in middle school and high school Link to this section

For schools that won’t be piloting an Algebra 1 prototype during the 2024-25 school year, eighth graders will have access to Algebra 1 in the following ways:

  • Summer Algebra 1 Intensive will be offered in 2025 to eighth graders between their eighth and ninth grade years.  Students will have the option to apply to the program. 
  • Online Algebra 1 Course will be offered during the 2024-25 school year to eighth graders. Students will have access to an online option for Algebra 1. 

All schools, regardless of their Algebra 1 offering, will have the ability to pilot a new math curriculum. The Math 6-8 Curriculum offers foundation concepts of math, including algebra, geometry, and statistics. 

In addition, high schools will continue to offer at least one acceleration option during a student’s high school career, so that students and families can choose to delay acceleration and still access advanced math coursework including AP Calculus and AP Statistics.  These include:

  • Doubling up in math (taking two math courses concurrently)
  • Summer Intensive Geometry
  • A course that compresses content from Algebra II and Pre-calculus

Intervention supports Link to this section

All middle and K-8 schools will also be providing various types of intervention supports:

  • Math lab will be offered for students who are below proficiency.
  • Dreambox will be available in schools and at home. Dreambox is a tool for students to practice certain skills toward proficiency, and families have actionable data about where their child is making progress toward those skills.
  • Tutoring IXL: Students who are not at grade level proficiency will be prioritized for tutoring.

Timeline to implement Algebra 1 in 8th grade Link to this section

View the timeline to implement Algebra 1 in eighth grade in all SFUSD schools by 2026-27.

Math Placement Guidance for Incoming Freshmen and Families Link to this section

Learn the step by step process and guidelines for accelerated placement into freshman math courses.

This page was last updated on January 17, 2025