Welcome to your Synergy Admin Toolkit Link to this section
What is Synergy? Link to this section

What is in this toolkit?
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This tool kit is divided into 10 sections
- Getting started this is for administrators new to the district or new to an admin role.
- Reports learn about the different types of reports, how to run them and filter your data.
- Enrollment here you will find information on the enrollment process.
- Emergency Cards for SFSD staff on manually processing Emergency Cards.
- Attendance here is where you will find information on attendance and truancy reporting in Synergy.
- Grading here is where to find information on report cards, honor roll, and progress reports.
- Communication here is where you can find out how to send mass and communication using Synergy.
- Discipline here is where you can find information on processes, incidents, suspensions, and expulsion.
- Additional Staff additional information for clerks.
- Master Scheduling resources to help admin set up their school schedule.
How to use this toolkit Link to this section
School Year Synergy Updates
Link to this section
This page was last updated on July 17, 2023