
The Library is an Important Resource When You're at School...

kids crowded around a school library checkout deskThe Sunset School library has a collection of over 8,900 titles.  Books are reviewed, sorted, and updated annually to ensure students have current, relevant, and interesting books to read. The library encourages students to read, explore, and create by providing resources that spark the imagination. Our school librarian hosts weekly visits for every class. Students look forward to various activities in the library, including read-alouds and mini-lessons, book check-out, and center activities. Center activities include exploring materials such as Keva Planks, LittleBits, Legos, origami, modeling clay, and Ozobots.  When students need help with research, or want to listen to/read along with an ebook, our library has Chromebooks to support every student’s educational need. Fun and engaging activities that promote a love of reading such as the Book Fair, California Young Reader Medal Award, Career and Read-aloud Day, Used Book Exchange, and A Poem in Your Pocket take place in the library every year.

This page was last updated on June 3, 2021