Recruitment & Careers
SFUSD is committed to finding the best candidates to fill classified, certificated, paraeducator, and administrator positions. Below are resources grouped according to employee group; please reach out to the appropriate staffing team for questions.
Certificated Staffing Link to this section
Please submit a ticket to for any questions.
Classified Civil Service Staffing Link to this section
Please submit a ticket to for any questions.
Paraeducator Staffing Link to this section
Please submit a ticket to for any questions.
Administrator Staffing Link to this section
Please submit a ticket to for any questions.

End-to-End Guide: Hiring
The SFUSD Human Resources department supports hiring managers across the district in using EMPowerSF throughout the hiring life cycle of candidates for vacancies, offering resources and guidance for each phase of the process.
FAQs about Recruitment Link to this section
This page was last updated on May 23, 2023