Link Student Learning Between Home and School
"There is a positive and convincing relationship between parental engagement and benefits for students, including improved academic achievement. This relationship holds across families of all economic, racial/ethnic, and educational backgrounds and for students at all ages.” – Karen Mapp
What is this best practice area? Link to this section
Learning does not begin and end in the classroom. Creating a strong link between home and school strengthens students’ learning inside and outside of the classroom.
Staff can nurture this connection by:
- Providing regular, timely communication to keep families informed of their students’ progress
- Helping families understand what they can do to support their children’s learning
- Being proactive in hearing from families about what they want and need to support their children’s learning.
- Learning about their students and families, their expertise and incorporating it within the classroom and/or through take-home projects
Make this Best Practice Area Come to Life Link to this section
1. Link Schoolwork to Real Life Experiences Link to this section
2. Positive Phone Calls Home Link to this section
3. Actively Communicate with Families about How their Child is Doing
Link Schoolwork to Real Life Link to this section
It is a best practice to provide homework that includes interactive activities shared with others at home or in the community, linking schoolwork to real life (source:Partnership Center for the Social Organization of Schools).
All families hold so much information and knowledge that often goes unacknowledged and untapped as a resource to support student learning. As staff, we need to find ways to incorporate the expertise and knowledge families carry into our work as educators and school staff.
Use this tool to help you reflect on how to bring in families experiences and knowledge into your practice to help bridge student’s learning between home and school.
Positive Phone Calls Home Link to this section
Example from The Power of the Positive Phone Call Home:
"On the first day of school I’d give students a survey that included this item: “Who would you like me to call when I have good news to share about how you’re doing in my class? You’re welcome to list up to five people, and please let them know I might call—even tonight or tomorrow!”
Actively Communicate with Families about How their Child is Doing Link to this section
Proactive communication builds trust between home and school. It provides an opportunity for staff to let families know how their children are doing academically as well as socially-emotionally in school.
Her are a few best practices:
- Reach out to families to share how their child is doing academically and socially
- Communicate before interventions are needed
- Inform families what their child is expected to learn, what they are currently learning, and the skills required for students develop at each grade
- Offer strategies families can use to help their children’s learning at home.
This template outlines suggested information to reflect on & share with families throughout the school year to support linking student learning between home and school.
This page was last updated on January 18, 2024