Newcomer Pathway

Welcome to the Newcomer Pathway

Our Newcomer Pathway is designed to help recently arrived immigrant students to adjust to their new language and culture. Students receive intensive Designated English Language Development (ELD) consisting of at least two periods of English taught at the appropriate linguistic proficiency level. In addition to academic support, Newcomer students have access to wrap around services which include mental health services through our Wellness Center along with legal support through RISE-SF, Refugee and Immigration Supports in Education. We have one designated Newcomer Pathway Counselor, Dawn Woehl, English Learner Coordinator, Nancy Rodriguez and SLIFE Support, Anita Feigngold-Shaw. SLIFE refers to Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) and may receive additional support to be successful in formal schooling in the United States. 

Our Newcomer Pathway is made up of 3 grade-level teams, 9th, 10th and 11th/12th, generally comprised of the same group of teachers and students. Teachers meet during Common Planning Time (CPT), 2 to 3 times a week, to plan curriculum, plan field trips and meet with students and their families to assure student success.

This page was last updated on September 26, 2023