Notice of Public Hearings: SELPA Local Plan Link to this section
The SFUSD SELPA will be providing two public hearings for the SELPA Local Plan, Annual Budget Plan and Annual Service Plan on the following dates and times:
Public Hearing #1 Link to this section
Date: Tuesday, May 14th
Time: 6:30pm
Location: SFUSD Board of Education Meeting
SpEd Budget Presentation for BOE - May 14, 2024 Slides
Address: Irving J. Breyer Board Room, 555 Franklin Street, San Francisco
Information about attending board meetings
Public Hearing #2 Link to this section
Date: Thursday, May 23rd
Time: 6pm
Location: Community Advisory Committee for Special Education Meeting
Address: Support for Families, 832 Folsom Street, Suite 1001, San Francisco
SpEd Budget Presentation for CAC - May 23, 2024 Slides
Please join the CAC for a community conversation about the SFUSD SELPA Local Plan. Attendees will be able to provide feedback on the 2023-2024 SFUSD special education budget and special education service plan. The information gathered at the meeting will inform SFUSD Special Education and CAC priorities for the coming year.
What is a Special Education Local Plan Area? Link to this section
"In 1977, all California school districts and county school offices were mandated to form consortiums in geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of children residing within the region boundaries. Each region, Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), developed a local plan describing how it would provide special education services. San Francisco Unified School District is it's own single district SELPA.
SELPAs are dedicated to the belief that all students can learn and that special needs students must be guaranteed equal opportunity to become contributing members of society. SELPAs facilitate high quality educational programs and services for special needs students and training for parents and educators. The SELPA collaborates with county agencies and school districts to develop and maintain healthy and enriching environments in which special needs students and families can live and succeed."
You can read more about SELPA's on the CDE Website.
CDE Plans & Reports Link to this section
This page was last updated on October 3, 2024