Special Education Extended School Year

Extended School Year (ESY) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Important ESY Dates for Summer 2025

TBD, Prior to 3/31Assignment letters mailed and emailed to families in Prior Written Notices
April 18Deadline to accept ESY for students WITH Transportation
May 23Deadline to accept/decline ESY assignment and services with NO Transportation
June 12- July 11Pre-K-8th Grade ESY (*No school on June 19th, July 4th for holidays)
June 12- July 18Grades 9-12 ESY (*No school on June 19th, July 4th for holidays)

For additional general ESY questions contact: esy@sfusd.edu

For SFUSD Staff: Click here for employee guidance on ESY

How do families accept the ESY offer and enroll their student(s)?

If you think your child is eligible for ESY, please contact your Child's Case Manager or reach out to esy@sfusd.edu

Families can reply to the ESY letter in any of the following ways:

  • Email: send an email to esy@sfusd.edu
  • Google Form: scan the QR code or use the bitly link on your ESY Assignment Letter to accept your ESY placement offer.

Please note that students who are currently receiving transportation as part of their Individual Education Plan, (IEP) will automatically be offered Transportation for ESY if they are enrolled by the deadline of April 18th.

ESY Transportation

Families of students with transportation MUST accept their ESY offer by April 18, 2025. For ESY, our home-to-school and school-to-home transportation service will continue as written in a student's IEP. 

Transportation to an alternate site occurs when transportation to an IEP service is written in a child's current IEP.

ESY 2025 Early Ed School Sites

These PK/TK programs will stay at their sites:

Commodore Stockton EESTule Elk EES
Guadalupe EESTBD

Sites that will be individually placed in Integrated PK Classrooms: Junipero Serra TK and EES

These PK/TK programs will move to the following receiving sites:

Receiving School: Leola Havard @ Carver EES*

Leola Havard EES (SDC)  Dr. Charles Drew EES • Las Americas EES (SDC) Bryant EES (SDC) Bret Harte PK (SDC)

Receiving School: Theresa Mahler EES

Theresa Mahler EES  Zaida T. Rodriguez EES Stevenson EES

Receiving School: Raphael Weill EES

Raphael Weill EES and TK  Cobb EES, PK SDC • Muir (PK SDC) Grattan EES

Receiving School: John Mclaren EES

John Mclaren EES  El Dorado PreK • Paul Revere PreK Sheridan PreK 

Receiving School: San Miguel EES

San Miguel INT EES

ESY 2025 Elementary School Sites

ESY 2025 Elementary Sites: Tenderloin, Sunset, Lafayette, Hillcrest

Please look below to find your school's receiving site for ESY 2025.

Receiving School: Tenderloin Elementary

Time: 8am-12pm

Programs: RSP, MM, AF MM, AF ESN, SOAR, M/M Cross Cat, Reading Clinic

Bessie Carmichael  BVHM • Chavez (all but DHH) • Chinese Immersion, De Avila • Creative Arts • Chin • Chinese Ed Center • Claire Lilienthal • Cobb • Feinstein • Flynn • Garfield • Gordon J Lau • Harvey Milk • Jean Parker • Marshall • Moscone • McKinley • New Traditions • Redding • Rosa Parks • Sanchez • SF Montessori • Sherman • Spring Valley • Tenderloin • Yick Wo

Receiving School: Sunset Elementary

Time: 8am-12pm

Programs: RSP, MM, AF MM, AF ESN, ESN Cross-Cat

Alice Fong Yu • Diane Feinstein • Drew • FS Key • Stevenson • Sunset • ER Taylor • Ulloa • Lakeshore • West Portal • Sloat • Revere • Sunnyside • Miraloma • Rooftop • Clarendon

Receiving School: Lafayette Elementary

Time: 8am-12pm

Programs: PK - DHH, PK SDC, DHH K-5, RSP, AF ESN, AF MM, ESN Cross-Cat, M/M Cross-Cat

Alamo Muir • Chavez (DHH) • Lafayette • Argonne • Jefferson • Lawton • Peabody • Sutro • McCoppin (RSP) • Grattan 

Receiving School: Hillcrest Elementary

Time: 8am-12pm

Programs: RSP, M/M Cross-Cat, AF MM, AF ESN, ESN Cross-Cat

Bret Harte • Carver • Cleveland • Guadalupe • Longfellow • Malcolm X • Jose Ortega • SF Community • Sheridan • Vis Valley ES • Hillcrest • Starr King • Daniel Webster • El Dorado • Alvarado • Bryant ES • Dolores Huerta • Glen Park • Mission Ed Center • Monroe • J.Serra ES

Note: Description of Specialized Classrooms

ESY 2025 Middle School Sites

ESY 2025 Middle School Site: AP Giannini

Please look below to confirm your school's receiving pattern for ESY 2025.

Receiving School: AP Giannini Middle School

Admin: 9am-1pm

Programs: MM cross-cat, ESN cross-cat, AF MM, AF ESN, DHH, SOAR

Alice Fong Yu (RSP) • Creative Arts • Francisco MS • AP Giannini MS • Gateway MS • Marina MS • Presidio MS • Rooftoop • Roosevelt MS • Lawton MS • Claire Lilienthal MS • Lick MS • Denman MS • Hoover MS • Aptos MS • BVHM • Everett MS • Paul Revere • SF Community • Vis Valley MS • Willie Brown MS • ML. King MS

Note: Description of Specialized Classrooms

ESY 2025 High School and Access Sites

ESY 2025 High School Sites: SF International, Lowell, Wallenberg

Please look below to confirm your school's receiving pattern for ESY 2025.

Receiving School: SF International High School

Admin: 9am-2pm

Programs: Credit Recovery, MM, ESN

Balboa • Burton • June Jordan • John O'Connell • Thurgood Marshall • SF International • Downtown Hilltop

Receiving School:  Lowell High School

Admin: 9am-2pm

Programs: MM, ESN, AF MM, AF ESN, ALL Access, DHH

Lincoln • Lowell • Mission • Academy • SOTA • Independence • Galileo (AF MM only) • June Jordan (AF MM only) • ACCESS (all programs)

Receiving School: Wallenberg High School

Admin: 9am-2pm

Programs: Credit Recovery, MM, ESN, ALL SOAR

Lincoln (SOAR only) • Washington • Mission (SOAR only) • Galileo • Gateway • Ida B. Wells 

County Programs (McAuley, Civic Center, CARE, Woodside)

Admin: 9am-3pm

Programs: MM CEEP- McAuley, MM/RSP- Civic/CARE/Woodside

Contact your case manager for information. 

Note: Description of Specialized Classrooms

ESY Dates for Summer 2025

Important ESY Dates for Summer 2025

TBD, Prior to 3/31Assignment letters mailed and emailed to families in Prior Written Notices
April 18Deadline to accept ESY for students WITH Transportation
May 23Deadline to accept/decline ESY assignment and services with NO Transportation
June 12- July 11Pre-K-8th Grade ESY (Juneteenth Holiday 6/19, July 4 Holiday)
June 12- July 18Grades 9-12 ESY (Juneteenth Holiday 6/19, July 4 Holiday)

How will families be informed about their child’s ESY assignment?

Families will receive assignment letters for ESY by March 31st if it is a service in their child's current IEP, which they can assign or accept according to instructions in the letter. You can accept via a Google Form linked in the letter.

Families will also receive a confirmation email and robocall the week before ESY to confirm that your acceptance response was recorded.

How long is the ESY school day?

  • Prek- 8 ESY will consist of 4 hours (240 minutes) of instruction and educational learning activities based on students’ current IEP goals.
    • ES Hours: 8am - 12pm
    • MS Hours: 9am - 1pm
  • High School ESY will consist of 5 hours (300 minutes) of instruction and educational learning activities based on students’ current IEP goals. 
    • HS Hours: 9am - 2pm
  • Each teacher will develop a classroom schedule, based on student need and communicate this to families before June 9th.

*Breakfast and Lunch are provided during ESY

Is there programming for my child after ESY hours?

SFUSD does not provide programming after ESY hours. Programming held at ESY school sites is hosted and coordinated by outside organizations. In an effort to support families and their children during the summer, we would like to provide resources from various community organizations that provide camps and aftercare. 

Resources will be provided in the coming weeks!

Will ESY be in person or virtual this year?

ESY will be in person this year.

I would like my student to have their regular year SDC teacher assigned to them during ESY.  Is this possible?

If your child and their teacher and or para are assigned to the same ESY site, we will do our best to assign students to their regular teachers for ESY.  Class lists will be developed once families have had an opportunity to accept/decline ESY assignments.


Can my students have their regular 1:1 para assigned to them for ESY?

ESY position offers are made based on seniority and program need. We do our best to assign paraeducators to classrooms where they are familiar with the students and/or teacher; however, this is not guaranteed. 



What is Extended School Year?

Extended School Year (ESY) is an extension of existing Special Education Individual Education Program (IEP) services provided during the summer recess to assist a student in maintaining skills on goals and objectives from their current IEP.  The primary goal of ESY is to limit regression of skills gained during the school year.

Who is eligible to attend ESY?

Not all students with IEPs are eligible for ESY.  Eligibility must be based on data and determined by an IEP team (5 C.C.R. Section 3043). 

Reasons for eligibility include:

  • Patterns of Regression: Regression is a loss of critical skills after a significant break from instruction (i.e, summer recess, Winter break).  This can include academic, behavioral or life skills.  All students are expected to demonstrate some skill regression after a break, but patterns of significant losses in critical skills may suggest the need for ESY.
  • Rate of Recoupment: Rate of recoupment is the amount of time required to re-learn skills following an extended break from school.  After breaks, nondisabled students typically require some time to recoup skills (i.e., 4-5 days is the typical time it takes a student to recoup skills after Winter Break); however, extensive recoupment periods may suggest the need for ESY.
  • New or Emerging Skills: Some students may be at a crucial point in skill acquisition or readiness.  If students are in the early stages of developing and demonstrating new skills and an interruption in services is likely to undermine that progress, they may be eligible for ESY services.
  • Nature & Severity of Disability: Some students have disabilities that are likely to continue indefinitely or for a prolonged period.  In this situation, interruption of the student’s educational programming may cause regression and render it impossible or unlikely that the student will attain a level of self-sufficiency and independence in view of his or her disabling condition.

ESY Contact Info

For additional general ESY questions contact: esy@sfusd.edu



For SFUSD Staff Link to this section

For SFUSD Staff: Link to this section

Click here for employee guidance on ESY.

This page was last updated on February 6, 2025