San Francisco’s graduation rate rises to 86.5%

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San Francisco’s graduation rate rises to 86.5% Link to this section

Press Release

April 11, 2017 (San Francisco) – The California Department of Education (CDE) has released its 2015-16 Cohort Outcome Data, which includes graduation rates as well as a-g course completion rates. San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) rates continue to improve and exceed statewide rates by nearly four percentage points.

SFUSD’S cohort graduation rates Link to this section

SFUSD has a higher graduation rate than the state average for students who started high school in 2011 and graduated in 2015 (86.5 percent compared to the state rate of 82.7 percent).

This year’s cohort data represents a 1.6 percentage point increase since last year and a 9.3 percentage point increase since 2009-10.

"We’re happy to join the entire State of California in celebrating the fact that more of our youth are graduating from high school than ever before while completing more college preparatory coursework,” said Interim Superintendent Myong Leigh. “We’re especially heartened to see a positive seven-year trend for our most historically underserved students. While all student groups have made gains, the rates for African American, Latino and Pacific Islander students over the past seven years have increased at a greater rate than that of other groups, thereby narrowing the achievement gap.”

Using early warning indicators to identify students in need of extra support Link to this section

SFUSD created a system in 2012-13 to identify students who were not on track to graduate and provide them with additional academic and social-emotional support. Schools have been tracking and supporting student progress toward graduation more systematically than before the off-track/on-track system was instituted.

SFUSD’S subgroup cohort graduation rates Link to this section

The graduation rate increased from last year to this year for Latino, Filipino and Asian students and dropped less than 1 percentage point for Pacific Islander, African American and White students. SFUSD foster youths’ graduation rate declined by 8.5 percentage points.

Subgroup 2015-16 Cohort Graduation Rate 2014-15 Cohort Graduation Rate 2014-15 to 2015-16 Cohort Graduation Rate 2009-10 to 2015-16 Cohort Graduation Rate
Latino 74.9% 72.7% 2.2% 15.4%
African American 71.1% 71.2% -0.1% 14.2%
Filipino 91.2% 90.1% 1.1% 14.9%
Asian 94.7% 92.0% 2.7% 6.1%
White 83.8% 84.7% -0.9% 5.5%
Pacific Islander 87.3% 88.2% -0.9% 21.9%
Program Subgroup 2015-16 Cohort Graduation Rate 2014-15 Cohort Graduation Rate 2013-14 to 2014-15 Cohort Graduation Rate 2009-10 to 2014-15 Cohort Graduation Rate
English Learners 74.1% 73.9% 0.2% 8.6%
Special Education 66.4% 63.7% 2.7% 12.4%
Socio-Economically Disadvantaged 85.6% 83.3% 2.3% 9.2%
Foster Youth(n=57) 54.4% 62.9% -8.5%  

12th-grade graduates completing all courses required for UC/CSU entrance Link to this section

SFUSD requires that all students complete the a-g course sequence, a requirement for the University of California or California State University, in order to graduate. For SFUSD, 54.6 percent of students completed the course sequence with a grade of C or higher. This rate is significantly higher than the state’s 45.4 percent.

SFUSD cohort graduation rates higher than that of their peers Link to this section

San Francisco continues to be one of the highest-performing districts compared to other similar districts while maintaining more rigorous graduation standards.

The 2015-16 cohort data released by CDE provides four-year graduation and dropout rates for all entering ninth-graders in 2012-13 for all districts in California.


Page updated on 04/11/17

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