Communicable Diseases & School-Age Illnesses
Outreach Materials
- COVID-19 Outreach Toolkit (SFDPH)
- COVID-19 Protect Yourself and Others poster_Eng
- Keep Our Schools Healthy! Eng | Eng/Span | Signs of Illness
- Germ Free Zone (poster): Eng/Span | Eng/Chin
- Wash Your Hands (poster): Multiple Languages
- Cover Your Cough (tent sign): Eng/Span
- Stop Disease (poster): Multiple Languages
- Health Alerts (poster): Eng/Span | Eng/Chin
- Stop Germs Stay Healthy Poster Eng | Span
- Referral Form to Health Care Provider Form: Eng | Span | Chin
Communicable Diseases/Childhood Illnesses (Employee Announcements, Notification Letters & Information Sheets)
- Bed Bugs
- Chickenpox/Varicella
- Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye)
- Ffifth's Disease (Slapped-Cheek)
- Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu)
- Notification letter: Eng | Span | Chin
- Gastroenteritis Information Sheet
- Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
- Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease Information Sheet
- Notification letter: Eng | Span | Chin
- Head Lice
- Guidance on Head Lice Prevention and Control
- Head Lice Brochure: Eng | Span | Chin
- SFUSD Head Lice Procedure
- Lice exclusion letter: Eng | Span | Chin | Arabic
- Lice notification letter: Eng | Span | Chin | Arabic
- Nits notification letter: Eng | Span | Chin | Arabic
- Pediculosis (head lice) Information Sheet
- Measles
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Ringworm
- Scabies
- Strep Throat
- Tuberculosis
- What is Tuberculosis Brochure_Eng | Span | Chin
- Latent TB Infection Brochure: Eng | Span | Chin
- TB Clinic and Directions
This page was last updated on March 18, 2024