Mediation & Peer Resources Link to this section
NOTE: Peer Mediations are not being done for the Fall 2017 Semester
The link to the form below is to give the basic information about the conflict. We understand that it is often complicated and doesn't all fit into this form. However, we always check in individually with people, so we are mainly interested in basic details.
This form goes directly to Peer Resources, not the Deans or Counselors. Mediations are done by trained Lincoln students, with the support of Morgan Wallace, Peer Resources teacher. It will remain confidential, unless there is a safety issue involved (someone is going to hurt themselves, someone else, or they are being hurt). Once we receive it, we check in with the people involved and set a time for doing the mediation.

In need of Mediation?
Fill out the linked Google Doc.
This page was last updated on June 3, 2021