Individual learning plans

June Jordan School for Equity

June Jordan School for Equity was explicitly designed as a school rooted in equity and social justice. It was founded through a community organizing effort by a group of teachers, parents, and youth.  The goal of June Jordan was to provide a better educational experience for students who were not being appropriately served in traditional schools. As a school for social justice, we are committed to serving working-class, communities of color (Latinx, Pilipinx, Black and Pacific Islander).

Hilltop School

The mission of Hilltop Special Service Center is to provide a safe academic environment where students have the opportunity to prepare for post-secondary education, meet graduation requirements, access quality prenatal and parenting education, and receive health and emotional support services. Our students are provided with a supportive community where they can work towards completion of high school graduation requirements and receive assistance to become responsible, effective parents.

Ida B. Wells High School

Ida B. Wells High School is an alternative school established to serve students who are age 16 and older who are seeking to complete the high school portion of their education in a setting with smaller classes, an array of credit recovery opportunities, and a supportive, family-like learning environment. We provide a small school setting and individualized attention. Special programs include Culinary Arts, Drama, Computer Applications and Robotics, Ceramics, and Surfing.

Visitacion Valley Elementary School

Visitacion Valley Elementary School is a Title I School with culturally diverse students and staff who work together to create and sustain a culture of service and support. We are dedicated to partnering with our families and community to provide our students an optimal education that ensures their lifelong success. As part of this process, we host family engagement meetings, events, and workshops on a regular basis.

Sherman Elementary School

Sherman Elementary School, founded in 1892, is a K-5 CDE Distinguished Elementary School located in the Cow Hollow - Marina neighborhood of San Francisco.  Sherman has long been recognized for its balanced focus on academic excellence, social emotional growth, and equitable access for our diverse community of learners. In our efforts to provide the optimum conditions for learning and growth of every child in our care, Sherman also offers a range of additional programs that foster academic, environmental, artistic, and technological enrichment.

San Francisco International High School

SF International is a small school that offers a unique program designed for recent immigrant students who have attended school in the United States for four years or less. SF International teachers are specially trained to offer extra support to help every student develop their academic English skills while they learn the content they need to graduate and be prepared for college.

Mission High School

Mission is located in front of the beautiful Dolores Park where the neighborhoods of the Mission, Noe Valley, and the Castro meet. The campus is accessible from all parts of the City with its central location. We instill positive social values, acceptance, and an appreciation for the diversity represented at Mission. Our academic focus school-wide is aimed at preparing ALL of our students for college and careers with rigorous courses including a rich array of AP and honors courses.

Claire Lilienthal Alternative School K-8

Claire Lilienthal school is committed to working together as a community. Students, families, and staff work in partnership toward the goal of excellence, for all and continue to improve the instructional program. Lilienthal offers a comprehensive curriculum based on the California Content and Performance Standards. We believe our continued success is largely due to high expectations for all of our students.