Proposition A 2016 Bond Program
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In November 2016, San Franciscans approved Proposition A, a $744 million general obligation bond (ballot) to fund repairs, and maintenance to SFUSD facilities. The bond also allows SFUSD to construct new schools and make seismic upgrades to existing facilities.
In October 2021, the Board of Education approved a partial reallocation of 2016 Bond funds, to shift project prioritization in keeping with current Board goals and policies.
All bond funds were sold in three (3) sales: $180 million in 2017, $280 million in 2020, and $284.25 million in 2022.
2016 Bond Program Priorities
- Complete seismic safety and modernization projects to make all schools and other district facilities more earthquake safe and energy efficient;
- Build new schools and classrooms to effectively provide geographic coverage of SFUSD schools across San Francisco;
- Invest in technology improvements including installing higher-speed Wi-Fi for all classrooms to enable 21st century learning;
- Maintain the district’s green schoolyards program and adapt to a broader scope of outdoor learning to increase student hours outdoors;
- Improving and updating school cafeterias and kitchen spaces; and
- Explore methods for developing affordable housing for teachers.
Bond Program Active Projects List Link to this section
This section is currently a work in progress. The project list below, including its budgets and schedules, are updated monthly as new information becomes available. Some budget numbers and schedule dates are projections or assumptions.
2016 Bond Retrospective
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2016 Bond Retrospective
This page was last updated on May 10, 2024