Press Release Details
Media Advisory: Ulloa Elementary celebrates national distinguished school award Link to this section
What Link to this section
Ulloa Elementary School will host a community celebration in honor of receiving the prestigious National Title I Distinguished School recognition. The celebration will consist of students singing and dancing, and special remarks from city and school leaders.
When Link to this section
Friday, March 2, 9:40 - 10:30 a.m.
Where Link to this section
Ulloa Elementary School / 2650 42nd Ave.
Why Link to this section
Ulloa Elementary School is one of up to 100 schools across the country recently chosen as a National Title I Distinguished School. Ulloa received the national recognition for its exceptional student performance despite the students' economic challenges.
Who Link to this section
- Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthews
- Principal Carol Fong, Ulloa Elementary School
- Supervisor Katy Tang
- Board of Education Commissioners
Visual/Audio Link to this section
- Students dancing and singing
- City and school leaders giving remarks
About Title I Link to this section
Title I is the cornerstone of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It is the largest federally funded pre-college education program in the United States and provides funding to school districts across the country to aid in the education of economically disadvantaged students.
A project of the National Title I Association, the National Title I Distinguished Schools Program publicly recognizes qualifying Title I schools for the outstanding academic achievements of their students. It highlights the efforts of schools making significant improvements.
Page updated on 03/01/18