Legal Department

Contract / MOU Assistance

To provide schools and administrative offices with goods and services they need, the Legal Department has developed several template contracts, memoranda of understanding and master agreements to enable efficient and compliant procurement.   


To provide schools and administrative offices with goods and services they need, the Legal Department has developed templates for specific types of contracts, master agreements, and specialized forms for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  All contracts and MOUs must be approved by the Board of Education.

Remember that MOUs on SFUSD’s standard template are completed by service providers through an online platform.  Visit for more information about standard, online MOUs.  See this summary of services that need special MOU forms.

Visit SFUSD's Manage Partnerships page for more info about working with external organizations and volunteers.

Request Legal Assistance on Custom Contract or MOU



New District Wide Contract Process

Effective July 1, 2020, the District is implementing a new contract process to streamline the purchasing of goods and services and to ensure a higher level of service to our students.

  • Contract documents will be submitted for approval via GoFast.
  • K-Resolutions (K-Resos) will not be required or accepted. Instead, the encumbrance of funds will occur directly in GoFast as part of the contract approval process and the Board will approve the expenditure via Boarddocs.

What you need to know:

  1. Beginning July 1, 2020, managers will submit contracts for review and approval using the GoFast system. 
  2. Services cannot start until you have received notice from the Purchasing Department that a Purchase Order has been issued. For contracts below $95,200, you will be issued a Purchase Order once all the approvals have occurred in GoFast. For contracts in excess of $95,200, a Purchase Order will issue once the Board has approved the contract on Boarddocs. 
  3. After June 23, 2020, the Board Office will no longer accept K-Resolutions. 
  4. Board-approved K Resos that lack a completed contract do not enable services to begin without an executed contract; a contract must be executed before any services may be provided to the District.
  5. Supervisors must validate key criteria BEFORE approving a contract. 
  6. Upon approval of a contract, funds will be encumbered directly in GoFast.
  7. Training on the new process can be scheduled by submitting a request to Refresher training is also available.
  8. The Budget office will ensure that K-Resos approved prior to June 23, 2020 are aligned with the new process for accounting and budgeting purposes.
  9. AR 3312, Contracts

Reasons for the Transition:

  • Eliminates the need for a two-step process (K-Reso + contract) 
  • Streamlines the contract approval and signature process
  • Eliminates the need for multiple copies of the contract

Training Resources:

SFUSD Contracting Guide 

PowerPoint Overview of NEW Contract Process

Validation Requirements 

Submitting Contracts In GoFast - Quick Guide

FAQ - Contract Approval Process

Legal Office Staff Contact Information

Christine Gregory -- Manager, Legal Division --

Lauren Thomas -- Education Records Analyst, CPRA --

Aleeyha Patterson -- Legal Secretary --

Our Attorneys

Christine Lee -- Senior Deputy General Counsel, Labor & Employment --

Angie Miller -- Senior Deputy General Counsel, Student Matters --

Diane Beall -- Senior Deputy General Counsel, Special Education -- 

Brenda Arzate -- Deputy General Counsel, Special Education --

Patrick Swillinger -- Deputy General Counsel, Special Education --

Samantha Lee -- Deputy General Counsel, Business and Facilities --

This page was last updated on August 5, 2024