Facilities Services Division Link to this section
Space matters in creating learning and working environments that foster comfort, risk-taking, collaboration, and innovation in service of deep and equitable learning. Clean, well-functioning, organized space reflects our deep value and respect for our students and their families. This page contains information about ensuring that high-quality space.
“Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to try.” Atul Gawande

Help Improve the Facilities Website.
Please help us help you by participating in a short survey!
Facilities are partnering with students from General Assembly to gather information on user experience on our SFUSD webpage.
This will take only 5 minutes.
Facilities Portal Redesign Survey
Thank you.
Facilities Department.
Facilities Services
Link to this section
Facilities Services strives to support the schools in all aspects of its service delivery through innovative stewardship of SFUSD assets and resources. Our facilities' operations support is intended to ensure safe, efficient operations and customer experience. Following is some essential and valuable operations information for your reference.
- For After Hours Security Dispatch, contact 415-695-5665
- For Buildings & Grounds response, contact 415-695-5525 if:
- School access keys are lost or stolen
- School cannot be secured due to door or window malfunction
- Exterior door cannot be secured for any reason
Integrated Pest Management
- Page under construction, come back soon for updates!
Contact Cadi Poile at 415-319-3334
Please use the update form for:
1. General Warehouse Services/Loaners
- Tables request
- Chairs request
- Risers request
- Misc request
- Inner Move: Move furniture WITHIN your site
- Furniture Delivery/Exchange: Move furniture from one site TO ANOTHER SITE that has requested it
- Furniture Removal: REMOVE furniture from your site
3. E-WASTE pick up
(all e-waste items need to be moved to a central location and all small things need to be in boxes no more significant than standard banker boxes.)
4. Text Book Removal
- Submit a separate request for each of the services above.
- The current form is for the site administrator or their designee to complete.
- This will help us increase order processing efficiency and prevent repeat submissions.
- Ensure the person requesting the item(s) completes this form to avoid duplicate requests.
Thank you,
Facilities Services Team and Warehouse Manager Daniel Melendez (415) 471-4641
Site Improvements and Modifications
- Process for Site Improvement and Modification
- Painting over a mural
- Parent-initiated improvements
- Initiating a Site Improvement
- Dos and Don’ts of Site Improvement
- Responding to graffiti:
- Submit B & G work order
If graffiti is in need of immediate nature due to offensive content, please also call Work Control at 415-695-5525.
Custodial Department
Link to this section
What we do:
Custodial Services provides a wide range of cleaning services, including building and restroom cleaning, floor care, and trash and recycling removal.
Our dedicated team works around the clock to maintain the highest cleanliness standards in our indoor spaces and support the values of SFUSD. We also provide support for campus events like the Shared Schoolyard Program.
Our Custodial Service Managers
Lester Lopez, (415) 309-2137, lopezl3@sfusd.edu
Cecil Zaraspe, (415) 314-8170, zaraspec@sfusd.edu
Custodial Schedule
Please find our Updated Custodial Schedule here.
Custodial Services Feedback Form
This form is intended for site administrators to make a request, complaint, or commendation about custodial services. The Director of Custodial Services will review responses.
Link to this section
Programs are the Facilities Services Division sector that ensures the best and highest use of our properties. By working to bridge the gap between facilities and operations, it offers sustainable and integrative thinking.
Sustainability Programs
Shared Schoolyard Program
Health and Safety
Link to this section
Fire Alarm and Fire Code Guidelines
- Common Fire Code Violations
- School Inspection Guidelines
- Lower grades (K, 1, 2) on first floor or own staircase
Contact B & G for support if you need help or get a citation (415) 695-5525
Lead in Drinking Water
Updated information coming soon.
Peeling Lead Paint
Various sites have had their site tested for lead-based paint. Survey and sample information is located in the Environmental Department. Routine maintenance of peeling paint is performed by our trained workers at Building and Grounds; larger scale paint maintenance is normally part of a larger renovation project.
For concerns please put in a work order into Buildings and Grounds or contact Rafael Picazo or his staff at 415-241-6226 for more information.
Indoor Air Quality and Other Air Emissions
For concerns or Issues with Indoor Air Quality, contact Rafael Picazo or his staff at 415-241-6226
- Department works with the San Francisco Public Health Department (SFPHD)
- Someone from SFPHD to will investigate the concerns and write a report with their findings and recommendations for SFUSD
- Rafael Picazo will then make arrangements to have repairs made with Building & Grounds or outside contractor
Peeling Lead Paint
- Various sites have had their site tested for lead-based paint
- Srvey and sample information is located in the Environmental Department.
- Routine maintenance of peeling paint is performed by our trained workers at Building and Grounds.
- Larger scale paint maintenance is normally part of a larger renovation project.
For concerns, put in a work order into Buildings and Grounds or contact Rafael Picazo or his staff at 415-241-6226.
Hazardous Materials/ Chemicals
- SFUSD adheres to the San Francisco Health Code Ordinance #399-97 Articles 21, 21A and 22.
- There are categories into what placement sites fall into concerning the ordinance, and the SFUSD and the SFDPH and they are as follows:
- Disclaimer Sites
- Childcare Centers (CDC’s)
- Elementary Schools K-5
- Disclaimer sites are not to store Hazardous Materials in quantities of greater than the following:
- 55 gallons of liquid hazardous material
- 500 pounds of solid hazardous material
- 200 cubic feet of gasses material
- The following sites must be registered with the SFDPH as a Business storing Hazardous Materials.
- Elementary Schools that reach Grade 8/9 that have Science Laboratories
- Middle Schools 6-9
- High Schools 10-12
- Administrative Sites
ADA Requirements Link to this section
- ADA Facilities Access and Grievance Form
- General Maintenance of Access Features
- SFUSD Accessibility Grievance Form
For questions about ADA or physical accommodation for students and staff, contact Mary Fung at (415) 241-4309, fungm@sfusd.edu.
Williams Complaints Link to this section
Facilities Use Agreement/Permits Link to this section
- Facilities Use Agreement FAQs
- Facilities Use Agreement FAQs (Google Doc)
- SFUSD Facilities Reservations System
Contact Real Estate Office for support: 415-241-6090
Buildings and Grounds (B & G) Work Orders (SchoolDude) Link to this section
- Log into School Dude
- Placing and tracking work orders
Step-by-Step Instructions to Place a Work Order
What Happens to My Work Order?
B & G Work Order Prioritization
- What constitutes an emergency?
Bond Information Link to this section
Please visit the Bond Program page for information.
Link to this section
Please email us at: Facilities_Services@sfusd.edu.
Follow us on social media:
This page was last updated on July 28, 2023