Mandatory Trainings

Trainings Administered by Risk Management

Online Training Assignments 

ASCIP Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs

Risk utilizes the platform provided by one of our insurance carrier's ASCIP or the Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs.

Within TWO weeks of your start date, you will receive an electronic notification from "ASCIP E-Learning" at directing you to to complete your required trainings. 

Please note: Every TWO weeks, mid-month and month's end, an Empower Active-Employee report will be generated to capture new-hires. There is NO longer a need to email Risk Management when you're new to the District/when your site hires new staff. 

  • Your Username is your full SFUSD email address.
  • The initial Password is Welcome1.



Complete your training assignments during your scheduled, contracted hours and not outside of the workday. Please coordinate with your supervisor, as needed, to ensure that district resources are available in order to complete the training. Training modules can be paused so that you can pick back up from where you left off, on another day. 

Documentation of your training completion does not need to be submitted - ASCIP will automatically record your completion.

If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the ASCIP Help Desk at or (562) 404-8029.

***Substitute Teachers, Substitute Para's and Substitute Administrators are REQUIRED to complete mandatory trainings 1) on their own time OR, 2) during work hours which are outside of regularly scheduled classroom time. Additional hours will not be granted to complete trainings. IF your REQUIREMENTS are not met, you will be contacted.*** 

Mandated Reporters of Suspected Child Abuse

Module: California AB1432 Mandated Reporter Training (SFUSD); approx. 45 minutes

Required for ALL District employees within six weeks of the beginning of EVERY school year or within six weeks of your start date. 

Additional resources:

AB-1432 and Education Code Section 44691

BP and AR 5141.4 Child Abuse Prevention And Reporting

BP and AR 4019.1 Professional Adult/Student Boundaries

BP 4019 Professional Standards and Code of Conduct with Students

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

Module: Sexual Harassment and Discrimination - California Employees (SB1343); 60 minutes


Module: Sexual Harassment and Discrimination - California Supervisor (AB1825/1661); 120 min.

Required for all new hires and at the time district-wide bi-annual training is assigned.

Additional Resources:

SB-1343AB-1825, and Govt Code Section 12950.1

BP and AR 4034 Sexual Harassment

Employee Health & Safety

Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)

Every new SFUSD employee is required to read, and current employees are strongly urged to refer back to the SFUSD Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP).

For questions related to department- or job-specific safety training, please contact your immediate supervisor.

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

Every new SFUSD employee is required to read, and current employees are strongly urged to refer back to the SFUSD Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan.

For questions related to department- or job-specific safety training, please contact your immediate supervisor. 

COVID-19 Addendum to the IIPP

To address the COVID-19 pandemic and our employees’ health and safety, and to mitigate the spread of this virus, SFUSD has developed the IIPP COVID-19 Addendum.

Every new employee is required to read and and be familiar with the Addendum, and the accompanying Protocols.

COVID-19 Prevention Program

All SFUSD staff are provided COVID-19 safety training which introduces employees to district protocols. The COVID-19 Prevention Program consolidates elements of the protocols that are related to employee health and safety.

More Available Training Modules

The ASCIP e-learning Platform includes additional training modules covering a wide variety of topics. You can review the Course Catalog for a training that interests you, and then self-assign it.

  1. Log into 
  2. Using the Search box found at the top of the screen, type in the first word or two of the training module you're interested in.
  3. Then click on the title of the training you would like to assign.
  4. Next a box will pop up that will include an Assign This Module to Yourself button.

You will not be required to complete any training modules that were self-assigned.

Do not self-assign the required mandated reporter or sexual harassment and discrimination training modules - there are different but similarly titled training modules - so please contact Risk Management to assign the correct training to you.


Troubleshooting and FAQ's

Help! I accidentally deleted the email notifying me that training was assigned. How do I access my training?


Help! I forgot my username and password.

Again, no worries. Your Username is your full SFUSD email address, and the initial Password is Welcome1. If you changed your password and forgot it, click on Forgot password? in the login credentials box.

Help! I am in the training, but I can’t get past the Introduction page.

This is typically an issue for Chromebook users. The screen is zoomed in too close.

To zoom out, press and hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard, and then the – (minus) key until you can see Back and Next arrows at the bottom of your screen.

Following the training, if you want to zoom back in, press Ctrl and the + (plus) sign.

How do I know which training modules have been assigned to me, and which ones I’ve completed?


How long can I expect the training to take?

California AB1432 Mandated Reporter Training (SFUSD): approximately 45 minutes.

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination - California Supervisor (AB1825/1661): 2 hours.

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination - California Employees (SB1343): 1 hour.

When is the training due date?

All non-Administrator Staff

California AB1432 Mandated Reporter Training (SFUSD), assigned to staff at the beginning of the school year


California AB1432 Mandated Reporter Training (SFUSD) and Sexual Harassment and Discrimination - California Supervisor (AB1825/1661) assigned as part of the Administrators Institute’s Independent Learning Module (ILM)

New Hires

The mandated reporter and sexual harassment and discrimination training modules (Sexual Harassment and Discrimination - California Employees (SB1343) for non-supervisory staff) are generally due two weeks after they are assigned.

You can see your specific due dates by logging into the training platform, and in the blue TRAINING box you will see the training titles assigned to you. Underneath the title is the due date.

Is the training available in different languages?

Spanish language versions of some of the training modules are available.

I have already completed this training, why do I need to take it again?

Risk Management assigns training that is required by law to be taken in regular intervals: mandated reporters of suspected child abuse training each year, sexual harassment and discrimination training every other year (bi-annually).

Note: New hires can find themselves completing the Sexual Harassment and Discrimination training more frequently than is required by law if they began their employment in the off bi-annual training year. This is district practice.

I am not a teacher nor do I work in a classroom. Do I still need to take the mandated reporter training?

Yes, everyone that works at SFUSD is assigned the mandated reporter training and is required to complete it.

I think I took a mandated reporter training while working at another school district. Do I need to take it again at SFUSD?

Yes. The mandated reporter training provided by SFUSD is specific to the district, and once you complete the training the district will have an electronic record of your completion.

How do I get paid for taking this training?

For regular district staff, the training is to be completed within your normally scheduled work hours. Substitute staff should contact the Substitute Office for details.

How can I print a certificate to prove that I completed the training?


Do I need to send you anything to prove that I have completed my training?

No. However, if your supervisor would like to see it, you can email them the Certificate found in the above FAQ.

I have another issue or technical problem that’s not addressed here and need help.


This page was last updated on September 13, 2024