Getting started

Welcome to Synergy

In this page you will find instructions on how to log in to Synergy for the first time. Glance at what your Synergy home screen will look like. Once you have logged in and know the buttons on your home screen, the instructions for Attendance, Grading, and Communication will be easier to navigate!

How do I...

log in to Synergy for the first time?

set Gmail as the default client?

view Synergy as a student?

view a student's password?

run reports?

view most commonly run reports?


List of available reports within Synergy SIS. I’m trying to find reports on:


REMINDER! Enter the report ID (e.g. “ATD201”) on Quick Launch to display the report screen. Review the How to Run Built-in Reports for more information.

Types of reports within Synergy:

  1. Individual: create a profile for an individual student. Naming in the 200s, example: ATD201.
  2. List: provides a list of students. Naming in  the 400s, example: ATD402.
  3. Summary: provides a view of the whole school, example: by ethnic distribution. Naming in the 600s, example: STU602. 

Attendance & Enrollment

I’m trying to see...

Enter the report # on Quick Launch:

A student’s absences per period. A list of a student’s absences by period for a given Date Range including the student’s demographic information.

ATP201: Period Student Attendance Profile

Total absences and details. A list of total absences including the student’s demographic information.

ATD204: Daily Attendance Totals

Daily Absences. Lists student absences in a given date range and the arrival and departure time.

ATD402: Daily Attendance List


Total enrollment days of students. All students enrolled at the school during the year and show their total days enrolled, days present, days absent, and their enter date and leave date.

ATD407: End of Year Attendance List

A student’s absences per period. A list of a student’s absences by period for a given Date Range including the student’s demographic information.

ATP201: Period Student Attendance Profile

Parent/Guardian List. Student - shows parent/guardian information .. email, ethnicity

ATP404 Period Class Attendance List

Enrollment History: Prints a snapshot of the Enrollment History screen by student

STU207 Student Enrollment Profile

See all students scheduled per class. This report prints the class roster. 

STU409: Class Roster

Class Roster. With student emails 

U-ST411: Class Roster (emails)

Course History

Student’s course history with achievements and test history. Show progress toward graduation requirements including service learning hours, and class rank information.

STU204: Student Transcript


Standards Based Grading. Prints the Standards Based Report Card generated in Grade Book

GBK201: Standards Based Report Card

Student grades for each section Prints a list of all sections and marks for each student

GRD401: Mark Listing By Student

Grade distribution by teacher. Prints a list of courses and summarizes the distribution of marks awarded by each teacher

GRD411: Mark Distribution By Course

Grading Periods

GRD806. Grading Period Labels With GPA

Grade BookStudent grade book information for those who received a grade of D or F

U-GB100- Student with D or F

Other Reports

Academic Pathways

ACA401 Academic Pathway Results List

A student’s profile. A report including custodial information, health conditions, emergency, and doctor information to file in a student’s permanent file. [Note: to print all students in the school, leave the options tab blank]

STU201: Student Profile

All classes scheduled for a student including the Period, Teacher, and Room information for each class.

STU202: Student Schedule

Seating Chart.Shows students location in the classroom based on the seating chart created in TeacherVUE

STU419:Section Seating Chart

Student Incident Reports 

U-DI900: Discipline Incident Report

Parent/Guardian Contact/Ethnicity. Student - shows parent/guardian information .. email, ethnicity

U-ST803: Parent/Guardian Email (Ethnicity)

Enrolled students in each section. A report for student tracking to make notations for each student.

STU408: Class List


view a student's profile

view a parent profile?

What is on my home screen?

For Tk-5th 

  1. Class Tab > This tab will only have an option to drop down if you teach more than one class. 
  2. Icons > These Icon give you quick information about your students. (Please see icon chart on Screenshot)
  3. Students > This is where you will find all of the students in your class
  4. Attendance > Use this button to access attendance options
  5. Report Card > This menu will be where your grading options are

For 6th - 12th 

  1. Class Tab > This tab will only have an option to drop down if you teach more than one class. 
  2. Icons > These Icon give you quick information about your students. (Please see icon chart on Screenshot)
  3. Students > This is where you will find all of the students in your class
  4. Attendance > Use this button to access attendance options
  5. Grade Book > This menu will be where your grading options are
  6. Sections > All of your blocks/periods will be listed here. Please click on the individual blocks to access those classes

This page was last updated on July 22, 2024