Technology Upgrade Link to this section
2016 Bond’s Technology Improvement is a $100 million program identified in the Prop A 2016 Bond. Department of Technology (DoT) completed the RFQ process and successfully identified and obtained information technology and network consultant to assist District with evaluating current site condition, design and develop District’s Technology Plan for the immediate and future needs, to perform needs assessment on identifying and prioritizing scope of work, and to facilitate in project management during the course of implementation.
$100 million for the technology improvement work, it consists of Data Center Storage; Network Systems; Campus Network; Wireless Network; School Technology Infrastructure Modernization (Construction); Telecommunications (VoIP); Disaster Recovery; Cyber Security; and Student/Teacher Access.
Department of Technology Projects Link to this section
Projects in Design Link to this section

George Washington High School (Core Site) - Natural Gas Generator

Lincoln High School (Core Site) - Natural Gas Generator

Alice Fong Yu Alternative School

Argonne Early Education School

Bret Harte Elementary School

Commodore Stockton Early Education School
John McLaren Early Education School
Junipero Serra Early Education School
Leola M. Havard Early Education School

Malcolm X Academy Elementary School

Mission High School
Theresa S. Mahler Early Education School
Zaida T. Rodriguez Early Education School
Projects Under Construction Link to this section
San Miguel Early Education School
Jefferson Early Education School
Projects Completed Link to this section

A.P. Giannini Middle School

Claire Lilienthal Elementary School - Scott Campus

Clarendon Elementary School
Dr. Charles Drew Elementary School

George Washington High School

Hillcrest Elementary School

Noriega Early Education School

Sheridan Elementary School

Tule Elk Park Early Education School

Thurgood Marshall Academic High School
This page was last updated on June 15, 2023