New changes to Transitional Kindergarten (TK) assignment policy
Read about how TK has become the entry grade for elementary schools, and how student assignment has changed accordingly.
Applying to Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
Applying to TK is like applying for any elementary grade: start at sfusd.edu/apply
What is Transitional Kindergarten (TK)?
Transitional kindergarten (TK) bridges the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten years. It is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that has been implemented in California for children who are not old enough yet for kindergarten, but want to build their social, developmental and academic skills.
TK classrooms are taught by a multiple-subject credentialed teacher and the TK curriculum is based on the California Preschool Learning Foundations and the Kindergarten Common Core Standards. TK is offered at select SFUSD Early Education Schools and elementary schools.
Find more information on SFUSD's webpage about TK expansion, or visit TK California's webpage.
Is Transitional Kindergarten mandatory?
No, even if a child is TK eligible, parents have a choice of whether they want to enroll their child in TK or preschool.
Who is eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK)?
The eligibility for TK has expanded year-by-year, as part of the gradual rollout of TK as a universal grade for all students in California. The 2025-26 school year is the first year that all 4-year-olds are eligible for TK. To learn more, read about the new state law.
For the 2024-25 school year, TK is for students who turn age 5 between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025.
For the 2025-26 school year, TK is for students who will be turning age 5 between September 2, 2025 and September 1, 2026.
(California law requires that children be age 5 on or before September 1 of the school year to be eligible for kindergarten, and age 6 on or before September 1 of the school year to be eligible for first-grade.) See the age chart below.
Students who complete TK at an Elementary School will automatically be promoted to Kindergarten at that school. Students who complete TK at an Early Education School or Mission Education Center will be required to apply for kindergarten the following year and will receive a tiebreaker preference if they choose to continue kindergarten in their attendance area.
For the 2025-26 School year, see which grade to apply to based on your child's birthdate:
Birthdate: | Apply for: |
September 2, 2021 to December 1, 2022 | Prekindergarten |
September 2, 2020 to September 1, 2021 | Prekindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten |
September 2, 2019 to September 1, 2020 | Kindergarten |
September 2, 2018 to September 1, 2019 | First grade |
Age: | On or before: | Apply for: |
3 | December 2, 2024 | Prekindergarten |
4 | December 2, 2024 | Prekindergarten |
5 | Between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025 | Transitional kindergarten |
5 | September 1, 2024 | Kindergarten |
6 | September 1, 2024 | First grade |
Which SFUSD schools are offering TK?
TK is offered at most SFUSD elementary schools, as well as at some K-8 schools and Early Education Schools.
For the 2025-26 school year, SFUSD is adding 15 new TK programs.
View the full list of schools offering TK for the 2025-26 school year:
English | Español | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | Tagalog | عربى | Gagana Sāmoa
If you are interested in learning about specific schools, you can find school information, including school videos, at the Discover SFUSD Schools page.
How to apply for TK
Applying for TK is similar to the application and enrollment process for elementary school grades.
For the 2024-2025 school year, families can enroll their student to begin immediately at any school with open seats, by submitting the online application or contacting the Enrollment Center.
For the 2025-26 school year, families should complete the 2025-26 application online, or contact the Enrollment Center. Submit your application before the Main Round application deadline on January 31, 2025. Visit sfusd.edu/apply for more information. If you submit the Main Round application, you will receive your school assignment letter the week of March 17, 2025.
What are the changes that were made recently to TK enrollment, and how do they impact me?
Here are the changes:
- Attendance Area tiebreaker: Beginning with school assignments for the 2024-25 school year, applicants could qualify for the Attendance Area tiebreaker when applying to TK, same as if they were applying to Kindergarten. This makes it easier for applicants who have a TK program in their attendance area elementary school to get in there.
- Automatic promotion to Kindergarten: Beginning with students who are in TK during the 2024-25 school year, they can continue in their same school and program for Kindergarten without having to submit an application for SY 2025-26.
Read more about the changes here.
If I have a student currently in TK, do I need to submit an application for Kindergarten?
If you have a student currently in TK, you do not need to submit an application for Kindergarten unless...
- You wish to change schools for Kindergarten
- You wish to change programs for Kindergarten, at the same school (e.g. in General Education TK, but want to get into the school's language program that starts in Kindergarten). Watch a video about this here:
- English - https://youtu.be/Uqu_cR9JNHQ
- Cantonese - https://youtu.be/JOwapzspH5g
- Spanish - https://youtu.be/8M-bETQ88P4
- Your student is in a standalone early education site (PK and TK only)
- Your student is in Mission Education Center TK (K-5 is for Newcomer students only)
If you fit into any of those four categories listed above, submit your Main Round application by January 31, 2025. Go to sfusd.edu/apply for more information.
If I submit an application for Kindergarten, does that forfeit my student's opportunity to remain at their current school and pathway?
No, it does not.
If you have a student currently enrolled in an elementary school TK program, they will be automatically promoted in their same school and program for Kindergarten. You do not need to submit an application if that's your desired outcome.
You have the option to submit an application if you wish to transfer to a different school or program. If you do submit an application, you should do so by the Main Round application deadline. You can list schools and programs that you prefer more than your current school and program. If we are not able to assign your student to one of their requested programs, they will keep their enrollment at their current school and program. You don't lose your spot because you applied elsewhere.
Additionally, we will automatically place your student on waitlists for up to their top 5 choices after the Main Round. They can remain enrolled at their current school while you wait to get into your requested schools. We will notify you between April and August if a seat becomes available for your student at one of their choices, and you will have the opportunity to accept or decline the offer to transfer at that point.
What should I do if I'm applying for TK next year?
If you are applying for your student to enter TK next year,
- Find all the TK options above, in the section "Which SFUSD Schools are offering TK?", or view them in a map view here
- If your attendance area elementary school has TK, you will qualify for the Attendance Area tiebreaker when you apply there. View all the tiebreakers that come into play during the student assignment system on sfusd.edu/tiebreakers.
- Remember that if your student enrolls in TK at an elementary school, they will have the option to remain there in the same program for Kindergarten without having to submit an application next year.
Additional Questions?
For more information on TK including eligibility for upcoming school years, tiebreakers, and a list of frequently asked questions, view our TK expansion page.
You can also contact the Enrollment Center at (415) 241-6085 with any additional questions.
This page was last updated on November 25, 2024