Frontline and Red Rover Implementation Updates

Transition to New ERP and HCM Systems

SFUSD is taking steps to transition from its current payroll, finance, and human resources systems—including EMPowerSF—to a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system called Frontline and a Human Capital Management Suite (HCM) called Red Rover. The target date for fully implementing these new systems is July 2025. 

**SFUSD is using Red Rover as our new Substitute Management platform as of August 15, 2024! Learn more.**

About Frontline and Red Rover

Frontline CA ERP 

  • An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is software that manages the district's business processes.
  • It’s an integrated tool that helps manage the day-to-day activities and tasks related to SFUSD business.
  • The Frontline ERP will include all finance functions, all payroll and retirement functions, many functions of human resources, and an employee online portal. 
  • Frontline ERP is the most used ERP system in California, used by over 55 percent of school districts and County Offices of Education in California. 

Red Rover K-12 HCM Suite

  • A Human Capital Management (HCM) software suite supports a range of human resource functions.
  • It’s an integrated tool that includes capabilities to manage the complete employee experience.
  • The Red Rover solution will include recruiting, onboarding, substitute management, absence management and time management.
  • Red Rover HCM Suite integrates well with the Frontline CA ERP.

Monthly informational staff meetings

The next Frontline and Red Rover informational staff meeting will take place on Friday, Sept. 13 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

These optional staff meetings are held every second Friday of the month from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. All SFUSD staff are welcome to attend.

You can find a list of upcoming meetings in the PD Calendar. 

Frontline/Red Rover Meeting Recordings and Slides

INTERNAL USE ONLY: Please do not share recordings and slides outside SFUSD.

Key TopicsRecordingSlidesMeeting FAQs
Kickoff MeetingRecordingSlidesMeeting FAQS
June 14, 2024 Status Update MeetingRecordingSlides Meeting FAQs  
July 12, 2024 Status Update MeetingRecordingSlides No meeting FAQs for this meeting
August 9, 2024 Status Update Meeting Recording Slides Meeting FAQs

Frontline implementation dashboard

View the Frontline dashboard, which contains a status report on the progress we are making to implement Frontline. 


In our commitment to transparent communication, we are sending out a survey so that we can gain a clearer understanding of your awareness and desire for the new ERP/HCM Implementation and any questions that you may have. 

Give your feedback!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is happening with SFUSD’s transition to a new system for payroll, human resources, budget, finance, accounting, and purchasing?

On March 12, 2024, the Board of Education approved contracts for SFUSD to transition from our current payroll, finance, and human resources systems – including EMPowerSF – to a Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, called Frontline, and a Human Capital Management suite, which is called Red Rover. Since then, we have taken steps to phase out development within EMPowerSF so that we can focus our efforts on successfully implementing our new systems, Frontline and Red Rover.

Will SFUSD continue to respond to help tickets and resolve issues related to EMPowerSF?

Yes. We remain committed to supporting our colleagues as questions and concerns arise. We will continue to ensure employees are paid correctly, that their retirement is reported accurately, and that their benefits are in place. However, we will phase out further development of EMPowerSF as we must be strategic and thoughtful about the time and expense it takes to make one-off changes for a product we are phasing out. Continuing to make one-off changes within EMPowerSF drains the resources that we need to put toward successfully implementing our new systems. 

What if I have a pending ticket or issue in EMPowerSF?

Case managers will remain in place to respond to open tickets.

Our teams are working around the clock to continue processing day-to-day needs while simultaneously implementing the new systems. 

Is there anything different that employees need to do at this time?

No. We will communicate directly with you if there are action steps that you will need to take. If you have an urgent issue, all escalation paths remain open and accessible.

What will happen in the next few weeks and months of this transition?

During the week of April 15th, we are beginning our kick-off meetings for administrators and business managers at school sites and in central office. We will be working towards implementing new workstreams, facilitating trainings for employees, and consulting with other districts that use these systems to learn best practices. We will continue to keep you updated during the implementation of our new systems. Ultimately we will go live with full implementation in July 2025. 

This page was last updated on August 22, 2024