Welcome to the PE & PA FAQ page
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Link to this section
I am an Administrator for an Elementary school site, where can I find information for PE?
Each elementary school site has a PE Google folder specific to their school site. This folder houses all the updated information regarding PE at your school site.
I am an Elementary school site Administrator, how do I access my site's PE folder?
The Google folder permissions are updated every year at the beginning of the school year. If you are returning to the same school site, you should already have access, if you are new to a school site, you will receive an email notifying you that the folder has been shared with you at the start of the school year.
I still can't find my elementary site's PE folder. Who do I contact?
Please reach out to either Theresa Lopez at LopezT@sfusd.edu or Jennifer Uperesa at UperesaJ@sfusd.edu regarding access to your site's folder.
I am a new elementary teacher, where can I find the PE Curriculum?
Please navigate to the PE teacher resource page, there you will find the PE curriculum based on grade level.
When do the Physical Education Surveys launch?
The PE surveys are launched every spring, typically following Spring Break.
How long is the window for the PE surveys?
This varies every year, but usually, the surveys are open for 4- 6 weeks. The student, teacher and administrator surveys will close on the last day of the school year.
Who receives the PE Survey?
We ask that every 5th, 7th & 9th-grade student enrolled in a PE class take the PE survey. As well as, the 5th-grade classroom teachers, the 7th & 9th grade PE teachers, and every school site Administrator.
Are the student surveys available in different languages?
Yes, the student surveys are available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Samoan, Arabic, & Vietnamese.
Who Administers the PE Surveys for the students?
We ask that the 5th-grade classroom teachers facilitate the 5th-grade student surveys with the support of the elementary PE TSA, and the 7th & 9th-grade Physical Education teachers facilitate the 7th & 9th-grade student surveys.
If your question is not answered above, please reach out to PESFUSD@sfusd.edu
This page was last updated on October 30, 2023