How to Return an L4E or Other District Device Link to this section
In order to return your district device, come to the SFUSD Central Office Lobby at 555 Franklin Street [map] between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm, everyday, except district holidays. Look for the wooden dropbox inside the lobby labeled “Device Return” and follow the instructions on top of the dropbox.

If you want a receipt for your returned device, do not use the dropbox, instead, submit a service request ticket to schedule an appointment at the Help Desk to personally return your device.
If you are leaving SFUSD employment, once the Human Resources Department changes your employment status, you will no longer be able to access your SFUSD Google account. Click the following link for information on saving your documents and other content before your employment status is changed: Former employee access to SFUSD Gmail, Google Drive, Google Classroom, etc.
For all other questions related to device return: please submit a service request ticket at using your SFUSD email address or telephone the Help Desk at 415-241-6476.
This page was last updated on July 11, 2024