Transformative Leadership for Equity and Excellence (TLEE)
TLEE is SFUSD's leadership induction and support program for leaders new to their roles or new to SFUSD. There are three strands within TLEE:
- A 2-year principal strand (with Clear Administrative Services Credential optional)
- A 2-year assistant principal strand (with Clear Administrative Services Credential optional)
- A 1-year new central office leader strand
TLEE Program Information
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TLEE Program Components
TLEE has 3 main components:
- Professional Development Leaders in TLEE engage in monthly, cohort-based professional development designed strategically to develop their skills on the Eleven Essential Leadership Priorities. All PD is designed and facilitated by the TLEE leadership coaches. Leaders learn, deepen, and practice new skills during PD sessions and are then supported by their coaches during coaching sessions to implement and apply what they learned at their schools. PD regularly includes identity and consciousness development in racial affinity spaces.
- Leadership Coaching TLEE leadership coaches take on a transformational and coaching-toward-equity approach, which involves accessing and employing a range of coaching stances to support and guide leaders. Transformational coaches view leaders through an asset-based lens. We seek to leverage leaders' strengths and thoughtfully, strategically, compassionately support leaders to maximize their capacity while increasing their skill and competence in their role. Transformational coaches understand that humans are complex, and therefore use a range of coaching stances, from a seeking-to-learn “inquiry” stance to an empowering/supportive or “facilitative” stances, to guiding or “directive” stances in coaching support.
- Cohort Model TLEE cultivates a space for new leaders to develop a network of peers. Through the design of the PD, we support leaders to develop substantive and trusting relationships that lead to increased sense of belonging, peer resources for consultation, and positive and motivating spirit.
There are three strands within TLEE:
- TLEE--Principals
- This is for all new principals. Principals new to SFUSD but not new to the role will have access to the program but will not be required to participate--that decision will be made by the Assistant Superintendent, the principal, and the Director of TLEE.
- This is a 3-year program. During the first two years, leaders learn and develop a community during an annual summer retreat, monthly professional development, and 1:1 leadership coaching with a trained leadership coach. During the third year, leaders continue to receive 1:1 leadership coaching.
- There is a formal evaluation (not a job performance evaluation) to certify that leaders have achieved the program objectives at the conclusion of the three years.
- This program develops leaders’ skills on the Eleven Essential Leadership Priorities.
- TLEE--Assistant Principals
- This is for all new assistant principals. APs new to SFUSD but not new to the role will have access to the program but will not be required to participate--that decision will be made by the Assistant Superintendent, the principal, the AP, and the Director of TLEE.
- This is a 2-year program. In each year, leaders learn and develop a community during an annual summer retreat, monthly professional development, and 1:1 leadership coaching with a trained leadership coach.
- There is a formal evaluation (not a job performance evaluation) to certify that leaders have achieved the program objectives at the conclusion of the two years.
- This program develops leaders’ skills on the Eleven Essential Leadership Priorities.
- TLEE--Central Office
- This is for all leaders new to Central Office administrator roles.
- This is a 1-year program consisting of a summer retreat and monthly professional development.
Professional Development Dates, Times, and Locations
Year 2, Cohort 2
Clear Administrative Services Credential
- (In development)
Assessment and Impact
TLEE's Impact Chain

Program Impact Metrics
TLEE studies the following metrics to assess our progress toward the intended impact.
- Educators' sense of belonging on annual staff surveys at TLEE schools
- Teacher retention rate in TLEE schools
- School leader retention rate in TLEE schools
Ultimately, we intend to impact student achievement.
Achievement (SBAC, grades, RI, etc.) of AA and EL students
Growth and Impact Measures
TLEE implements performance tasks and other measures to assess leaders' growth and develop on the Eleven Essential Leadership Priorities. This assessment system is known as Growth and Impact Measures (GIMs), designed to identify the indicators of effective transformational leadership. As part of the scoring process, leaders will be assessed on their level of expertise in completing several job-embedded performance tasks. GIMs are not connected in any way to contract-approved job evaluations that SFUSD performs; they are only used to track leader progress and ensure graduates are ready to receive TLEE’s letter of program completion.
This document outlines the specific performance tasks and the scoring system for CASC credentialing and program completion.
This page was last updated on June 3, 2021