SFUSD Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination (Title IX) Resources and Information Link to this section
San Francisco Unified School District schools, programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying targeted at any student by anyone, based on the student's actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression.
SFUSD's Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination webpage has more information about Title IX, definitions of harassment and discrimination, student rights, and resources.
If you have questions, would like to report an incident, or would like support, reach out to the Balboa Title IX Coordinator:
Kelly Lee, Assistant Principal: leek17@sfusd.edu
Complaints to school sites can be made in writing or verbally. If the individual feels uncomfortable, the complaint may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator/Director of the Office of Equity. The Title IX Coordinator/Director of the Office of Equity, Keasara (Kiki) Williams, can be reached at williamsk3@sfusd.edu or 415-355-7334. Additionally, there is a Title IX online report form that can be used to report sexual harassment and/or gender based discrimination.

San Francisco Women Against Rape
SFWAR’s Advocacy & Counseling Program provides culturally relevant trauma-informed services to sexual assault survivors on-site and in the community.
For Advocacy & Accompaniment support, please contact the SFWAR Survivor Advocates at 1 (415) 861-2024 ext. 304 (Spanish) or ext. 319.
If you are interested in individual counseling or would like to join a SFWAR support group, please contact the SFWAR Director of Advocacy & Counseling at 1 (415) 861-2024 ext. 302 or email dac@sfwar.org

Huckleberry Youth Program
Huckleberry House offers continuous 24-hour crisis intervention and resolution services and emergency shelter to high-need youth between the ages of 12 and 17. Huckleberry House may house 18-year-olds who are enrolled in high school or GED program.
Immediate Crisis Line 24 Hours: 415-621-2929

Instituto Familiar de la Raza Youth Programs
IFR has established a leadership role in community violence prevention, school-based mental health consultations, family programming, culturally-based integrated HIV services, and indigenous/Maya wellness programs. Viewed a whole, our programs are designed to provide a seamless continuum of health and wellness programs for Chicanos/Latinos in San Francisco. We remain committed to this mission.

Horizons Jovenes Education and Empowerment Program (JEEP)
Young Men ages 14-18 • Stipends: up to $750 • Bilingual English-Spanish
Interested in creating a brotherhood with other young and empowering yourself as a leader in the community?
Then JEEP is the program for you!
This page was last updated on December 5, 2024