Pathways at Balboa Link to this section

Pathways, Academies or Small Learning Communities are designed to allow the students to be part of a tight community or cohort of classmates and develop 21st century skills (communication, critical thinking and collaboration) from a particular lens.
Balboa was at the beginning of this new wave of pedagogical practice and the first school in SFUSD to have wall-to-wall pathways. Every Junior and Senior is in an academy or pathway (used interchangeably) that has a particular viewpoint to grow and develop each student to be college and or career ready.
Pathways also provide work based learning opportunities and internships for students, further preparing them for their post-secondary opportunities. While there are Advanced Placement opportunities at Balboa, Balboa is primarily a Pathway school.
Follow these links to learn more about each of Balboa's pathways:
CAST - Creative Arts for Social Transformation
This page was last updated on August 14, 2023