Lowell Counseling Department
Room 101, a cluster of offices next to the main office.
Mission & Vision
To encourage ALL students to realize their own potential and contribute their skills, creativity, & intellect in
their academic, career, and personal/social development towards becoming informed, active participants & leaders in their communities.
Students from Lowell High School are well rounded, collaborative, and compassionate advocates. Our
students are proactive and motivated learners who model cultural awareness and humility. Our students take
personal initiative to meaningfully engage in our communities and impact future generations.
See this list for helpful hotlines and resources!
Connect with us! - Lowell Counseling Dept Linktree
Read the newest SFUSD High School Student Newsletter!
Fact Sheet to Request a Letter of Recommendation
**The Fact Sheet button below is a force-copy link to create a new document in your Drive.
Student and Family Resource Link
Families can access the Family Resource Link in three ways:
Go to familylink.sfusd.edu to complete an online request form
Email request at familylink@sfusd.edu
Call 415-340-1716 *
*Hours of operation for the phone will be Monday through Friday from 9AM- 1PM. Callers can still leave a voicemail at all hours.
This page was last updated on October 25, 2023