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The Student Family School Resource Link
Providing access to district information for students and families through online request form, email or phone line.
The SFUSD Student Family School Resource Link is a district initiative to help students and families navigate all of the SFUSD resources available to them.
Students, families, and school staff can access the Student and Family Resource Link in three ways:
- Go to to complete an online request form
- Email request at
- Call 415-340-1716 *
*Hours of operation for the phone are Monday through Friday from 9am- 3pm (closed for lunch 12-1pm). Phones will be closed on school holidays. Callers can still leave a voicemail at all hours.
Requesting Student Records
Parent/legal guardian and student representatives (i.e., attorneys or special education advocates representing the student)
During the school year, a parent or legal guardian can send their request for a copy of their student’s school record (including special education record), or portion of the student’s record, to the principal of the student’s current school or last attended school at SFUSD. A student’s legal representative or advocate may also request the student’s school record by submitting a FERPA release of information signed by the parent or legal guardian with the record request to the principal.
During summer break, requests for any portion of a student's cumulative file and/or special education file shall be directed to:
Student and Family Services Division, Attn: Records Request
20 Cook Street, Room 1
San Francisco, CA 94118
Phone: 415-340-1716
Please add "Records Request" in the subject line.
Subpoena Requests
Direct to:
Student and Family Services Division, Attn: Records Request
20 Cook Street, Room 1
San Francisco, CA 94118
Phone: 415-340-1716
Transcript only
Transcript Office
San Francisco Unified School District
20 Cook Street, Room 11
San Francisco, CA 94102
Special education records only (outside organizations/districts only)
Outside agencies and other school districts, and requests made during summer break and holidays, can be made to Special Education Records at:
For more about information required for these requests, please consult this document.
You have a right to inspect and review all of your child’s education records without unnecessary delay, including prior to a meeting about your child’s IEP or before a due process hearing. The school district must provide you access to records and copies, if requested, within five business days after the request has been made orally or in writing. (EC sections 49060, 56043[n], 56501[b][3], and 56504).
Requesting Employee Records
Employee Verification
Find out how to submit a request for employment or income verification.
Employee Records
Submit a written request by fax or postal mail that includes:
Employee name
Employee ID number OR social security number
Fax request to:
Mail request to:
Human Resources Department
San Francisco Unified School District
555 Franklin Street, Second Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Requesting Public Records
The California Public Records Act (CPRA) requires that governmental records be made accessible to the public upon request, unless otherwise exempted by law. Within 10 days from receipt of the request, the District will determine whether there are responsive records in whole or in part, and will notify the person making the request of the determination. In certain circumstances, the time limit prescribed in the law may be extended. The District will notify the person making the request and describe the reasons for the extension and the date on which a determination is expected.
Please direct all Public Records Act Requests to Please include your full name, organization (if applicable), mailing address, phone number, and email. Requests should include a clear and specific description of the records being sought. Public Records Act requests may be mailed to:
Legal Department
Attn: Public Records Act Manager
San Francisco Unified School District
555 Franklin St., 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
If the record request is for Board Policy or information presented to the Board of Education, please visit our Board Policies page or the Board of Education webpage.
Can't find what you're looking for? Link to this section
Contact the SFUSD Student Family School Resource Link or go to to complete an online request form
- or Email request at
- or Call 415-340-1716 *
For any website related questions, email
This page was last updated on February 13, 2025