

Balboa Park
San José & Ocean Avenues
--Baseball - grass fields Sundberg (near Police Station) and Sweeney (near Ocean Avenue)
--Softball - grass fields #1 and #2 (on San Jose Ave.)
--Soccer - grass field Boxer Stadium (north of Police Station behind the pool)

Beach Chalet Soccer Fields
1400 John F Kennedy Drive
In Golden Gate Park
--Soccer - 4 artificial turf fields

Big Recreation Ball Fields (Big Rec)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive & 7th Avenue
In Golden Gate Park
--Baseball - grass fields Graham (west) and Nealon (east)

Boxer Stadium
See Balboa Park

Crocker-Amazon Playground
Moscow Street & Geneva Avenue (main parking lot on Moscow north of Italy Street)
--Soccer - 4 artificial turf fields located off Geneva Avenue at east end of playground
--Softball - grass field #5 nearest to Moscow Street and Geneva Boulevard
--Baseball - grass fields Marino Pierretti #1 (nearest to parking lot) and #2 (near Geneva Avenue east of Prague Street)
--Dual use - grass field #3 (across from fire house on Moscow Street)

Eureka Valley Recreation Center
100 Collingwood Street, two blocks from Castro Street
--Softball - one grass field

Excelsior Playground
Madrid & Russia Streets
--Softball - one grass field

Franklin Square
16th & Bryant Streets
--Soccer - one artificial turf field

Garrigan Field
See Moscone Recreation Center

Glen Park Recreation Center
Elk & Bosworth Streets
--Dual use - grass fields #1 and #2

Graham Field
See Big Recreation

Hennessey Field
See Moscone Recreation Center

Jackson Playground
Arkansas & Mariposa Streets
--Softball - grass field #1 (near clubhouse)
--Dual use - grass field #2 (far corner from clubhouse)

Julius Kahn Playground
West Pacific Avenue between Argüello Boulevard & Presidio Avenue
Inside The Presidio
--Dual use - one grass field

Kimbell Playground
O'Farrell & Steiner Streets
--Softball - artificial turf fields #1 and #2
--Soccer - one artificial turf field

Lang Field
See Margaret Hayward Playground

Margaret Hayward Playground
Gough Street & Golden Gate Avenue
--Softball - grass fields Lang #1 and #2

McCoppin Square
22nd Avenue & Santiago Street
--Dual use - one grass field

Minnie and Lovie Ward Recreation Center (Formerly Ocean View Recreation Center)
Montana Street & Plymouth Avenue
--Baseball - one artificial turf field
--Soccer - three artificial turf fields

Moscone Recreation Center
Bay, Laguna, and Chestnut Streets
--Baseball - grass fields Garrigan and Hennessey #2 and #4 (Hennessey has concrete stands)
--Softball - grass fields #1 and #3

Nealon Field
See Big Recreation

Palega Recreation Center
500 Felton Street
--Dual use - one grass field

Parkside Square
28th Avenue & Vicente Street
--Softball - one grass field

Potrero Hill Recreation Center
Arkansas & Madera Streets
--Dual use - one grass field

Rolph Playground
Potrero Avenue & Cesar Chavez (Army) Street
--Softball - grass fields #1 and #2

Rossi Playground
Arguello Boulevard & Anza Street
One-half block south of Turk Street on Willard Street North
--Baseball - grass field #2
--Softball - grass field #1

Silver Terrace Playground
Silver Avenue east of Bayshore Boulevard
--Baseball - one artificial turf field
--Softball - one artificial turf field
--Soccer - one artificial turf field

South Sunset Playground
40th Avenue & Vicente
--Softball - artificial turf fields #1 and #2 (#1 is on Wawona Street)

Sundberg Field
See Balboa Park

Sunset Recreation Center
28th Avenue & Moraga Street
--Softball - one grass field

Sutter Playground
University Street & Wayland Street
--Softball - grass field

Sweeney Field
See Balboa Park

West Sunset Playground
41st Avenue & Quintara Street
--Baseball - grass fields Erle #1 and #2 (#1 has concrete stands)
--Softball - grass field #3 (Behind the library and east of field #2)

Youngblood-Coleman Playground
Mendell, Galvez Streets & Hudson Avenue
--Baseball/Softball - one grass field (Access field down stairs on Hudson Avenue West of Keith Street below clubhouse; up stairs from Fairfax Street between Mendell & Keith Streets; or on path from the soccer pitch)
--Soccer - one artificial turf field (Access from Mendell Street)

This page was last updated on September 22, 2019