4.1.5 What Happens if a Student has Many Unexcused Absences?

What Happens if a Student has Many Unexcused Absences?

(CA Education Code 48260.5)

If a student has unexcused absences, the school or district will notify the family/guardian, call the student’s home, and request meetings with the parent/guardian to develop an action plan and identify any support services the family needs to help the student get to school. 

Here is what families can expect after an unexcused absence:

  • After the 1st and 2nd unexcused absences, the school will call the student’s home (through an auto-dialer).
  • After 3 unexcused absences (as defined above), the District will send the student’s parent/caregiver a “1st Declaration of Legal Truant” letter and a student support meeting could be requested. If the unexcused absences continue during the same school year, the District will send the student’s parent/caregiver a “2nd Declaration of Legal Truant” letter and a student support meeting will be offered.
  • If the unexcused absences continue during the same school year, the District will send the student’s parent/caregiver a “3rd  Declaration of Legal Truant” letter, and the student will be classified as a Habitual Truant and may be referred to Central Support for Truancy. 

A student may be involuntarily transferred to continuation education based on a finding that the pupil has been habitually truant or irregular in attendance from instruction upon which the pupil is lawfully required to attend.  (CA Education Code 48432.5, Board Policy & Administrative Regulation 6184). 

This page was last updated on July 18, 2024