Our Vision for Multilingual Learners Link to this section
The SFUSD Roadmap for Multilingual Learner Achievement and Success affirms that serving Multilingual Learners is a central responsibility of each and every educator. Effectively serving this diverse group of learners fosters excellence for all SFUSD students because language development is foundational for every learner. Our ongoing commitment to Multilingual Learners also supports our compliance with existing state and federal laws and requirements.
Assets-based and Culturally Responsive Learning Environments for Multilingual Learners
Our language programs provide opportunities for students to benefit from academic language development in two or more languages as well as honor and celebrate their language, culture, family, and community.
Watch this video featuring SFUSD graduates talking about what earning the California State Seal of Biliteracy means to them. Quotations from Students -
"Multilingualism...connects (me) to the world as whole."
"Multilingualism opens new doors and opportunities to jobs"
"It makes make my mom proud because I am connected to my roots."

Journey to Multilingual Proficiency
- Identification: When you enrolled your child, you indicated in the home language survey that another language is spoken at home.
- Classification is the process of assigning the language proficiency status of your child.
- Services for MLs: You can decide what type of program you want for your child
- Reclassification is the process whereby an Multilingual Learner is redesignated as English proficient. A student is usually reclassified after 4-7 years of learning English in school.
- Seal of Biliteracy is awarded to students who demonstrate proficiency in English and one or more languages.

Effective Instruction for Multilingual Learners (MLs)
Multilingual learners have meaningful learning opportunities when they build on their prior knowledge and communicate purposefully. All teachers of English learner students use the California ELD Standards in tandem with ELA/Literacy and other content standards to plan instruction. Designated ELD teachers use the California ELD Standards as the focal standards in ways that build into and from content instruction. SFUSD Language Programs provide opportunities for Multilingual Learners to build both their home language and English language and literacy skills.
Family and Community Engagement and Connections
The families of Multilingual Learners are valuable partners. Your languages, cultures, talents, and lived experiences are critical resources unique to our school communities. A school with 21+ MLs must have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), composed of elected parents, guardians, and community members.
ELAC provides input on English language development programs and services and advises the School Site Council (SSC) and the principal on the development of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
Ask your family liaison or principal how to get involved in SSC and ELAC.
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This page was last updated on June 3, 2024