Opening Link to this section

Presenters! We’re so glad you will be sharing your awesome at the 8th Annual Digital District Day on Wednesday, August 9th!
Everything You Need to Know… Link to this section
The Presenter’s Toolkit has everything you’ll need to know for presenting at DDD, including…
- How to get help
- Digital District Day information
- Preparing for your session
- FAQs for presenters
- Helpful Zoom information
- Accessibility protocols
Live Support Link to this section
We invite you to to attend Presenter’s Office Hours, using this Google Meet link.
- Monday, August 7, 2:00-3:00pm
- Tuesday, August 8, 9:00-10:00am, 2:30-3:30pm
If you need help during DDD itself, drop in on the DDD Help Desk, anytime between 7:30am - 3:00pm, or send a Google Chat to Dan Frost (, Devorah Merling (, Zareen Poonen Levien (
Zoom Events Link Link to this section
To access the Digital District Day Zoom Event, go to, log in using the email address we’ve been using to communicate with you about presenting, and find Digital District Day 2023.
SFUSD employees: click the ‘Log in with Google’ button. If you’ve never logged in to Zoom using your district email address, click the ‘log in with SSO’ button your first time… then use ‘Log in with Google’ after that. If you attended DDD last year, you’ve already logged in with Google.
This page was last updated on August 3, 2023