Video On Demand
Best Practices For Attendance Link to this section
The Best Practices For Attendance Process video gives a detailed presentation of the attendance process. The topics covered:
- Best Practices Attendance Taking - Teachers
- Best Practices Attendance Taking - School Site Staff
- Valid Attendance Codes
Attendance Best Practices Video
Attendance Process - Version 2024-2025 Link to this section
The Attendance Process for the 2024-2025 school year is outlined in a video's below to give an basic overview of the attendance process. The Attendance Process video will take about 15 minutes.
Attendance Audit Overview Link to this section
The Attendance Audit Overview will assist school sites understand the audit process. The topics covered:
- Attendance Audit Logs
- Phone Logs and Excuse Notes
- Independent Study
- Period Attendance Gaps By Teacher - applies only to secondary schools
- Kindergarten Retention

Attendance Posting - Elementary
Class Daily Attendance Link to this section
Elementary schools post class attendance in the Class Daily Attendance module. The two most common cases when a school would have to post attendance through the Class Daily Attendance module.
- A teacher was not able to post attendance and will need assistance with posting their daily attendance
- A substitute teacher may not have access to post attendance directly into Synergy.
Daily Attendance Link to this section
Elementary schools post individual student's attendance in the Daily Attendance module. The three most common cases when a school site would have to hand post attendance manually.
- A student was marked absent for a day and returns to school with a valid excuse note.
- A student was participating in a school event or independent study.
- The attendance was incorrectly marked and the school site had to make a correction to the attendance record.
Independent Study - Elementary (Grades K-5) Link to this section
The independent study process for elementary schools. Topics covered:
- Independent study policy
- Independent study contract completion
- Marking of attendance codes during and after independent study
- Record retention
How to avoid receiving Missing Sections Report (ATP602) on Monday Link to this section
Every Monday the Student Attendance Office sends a report to each school that outlines classes that attendance was not posted. We have developed a short video on how to avoid receiving the Missing Sections Report.
Kindergarten Retention Link to this section
The kindergarten retention process. Topics covered:
- Kindergarten retention policy
- Kindergarten retention contract completion
- Record retention

Attendance Posting - Secondary
Class Period Attendance Link to this section
Secondary schools post class attendance in the Class Period Attendance module. The two most common cases when a school would have to post attendance through the Class Period Attendance module.
- A teacher was not able to post attendance and will need assistance with posting their daily attendance
- A substitute teacher may not have access to post attendance directly into Synergy.
Period Attendance Link to this section
There are times when a student’s period attendance must be hand posted manually by the school site. There are three methods of posting period attendance that are covered in the Period Attendance video.
Secondary schools post individual student's attendance in the Daily Attendance module. The three most common cases when a school site would have to hand post attendance manually.
- A student was marked absent for a day and returns to school with a valid excuse note.
- A student was participating in a school event or independent study.
- The attendance was incorrectly marked and the school site had to make a correction to the attendance record.
Period Attendance Gaps By Teacher Link to this section
The Period Attendance Gaps by Teacher Report list the students by teacher’s section that show a gap in their period attendance. The Period Attendance Gaps by Teacher Report will assist schools with identifying possible attendance posting errors.
Period Attendance Gaps By Teacher (ATP407) Video
Independent Study - Secondary (Grades 6-12) Link to this section
The independent study process for secondary schools. Topics covered:
- Independent study policy
- Independent study contract completion
- Marking of attendance codes during and after independent study
- Record retention

Attendance Posting - Teachers/Substitute Teachers
TeacherVue Link to this section
An instructional video that will assist teachers who have not used TeacherVue for posting attendance.
Video produced by the Department of Technology.
Substitute Assignment Procedures For Clerks Link to this section
The Substitute Assignment Process for Clerks video will describe how a school site can provide a substitute teacher access to Synergy for online attendance taking.

Printing Reports
Class Roster Link to this section
The class roster report shows all the students enrolled in a section for a particular week.
The two most common uses for the class roster:
- A teacher was not able to post attendance and will need assistance with posting their daily attendance.
- A substitute teacher may not have access to post attendance directly into Synergy.
Classroom Taken Attendance Link to this section
The Classroom Taken Attendance video will show the features of Classroom Taken Attendance module features. School sites can view the following the status of attendance.
- Any Attendance
- Attendance Not Taken
- Attendance Taken
The Classroom Taken attendance has the ability to email teachers a reminder to those that have not posted their attendance on a particular day.
Daily Absent List Link to this section
The Daily Absent List will show all the students that were marked absent on a specific day. The report can be sorted by section, grade or student name.
Daily Student Absent Total Link to this section
The Daily Student Absence Totals List (ATD401) list all students absent with a user defined number of absences by date range. The report will show the total number of daily absences recorded along with parent/guardian information.
Period Attendance List Link to this section
The Period Attendance List will show the period-by-period for all the students by attendance code for a selected date or date range. A school site can select all attendance reasons or select a specific attendance reason for the report generation. The report can be sorted by grade or student name.
Period Attendance List (ATP401)
Period Sections Missing Attendance List (ATP602) Link to this section
The Period Sections Missing Attendance List will show all the teachers, period and course number that have not posted attendance on a particular day or multiple days.
A school site can schedule the Period Sections Missing Attendance List to automatically email a group of school site staff to assist with reconciling the missing sections. The Schedule Job video will use the Period Sections Missing Attendance List as an example of the scheduled job process in Synergy.
Scheduled Job Link to this section
Synergy has the ability to produce reports as a daily scheduled job.
The following procedures are covered:
- Scheduling a job to generate a daily report.
- Preview an email generated by a scheduled job.
- Cancelling a scheduled job.
This page was last updated on October 24, 2024