Elementary History/Social Studies Resources


Students in SFUSD engage in daily social studies instruction (through both integrated and stand-alone units). As our department explores curriculum, eventually there will be three, 5-7 week stand alone units for each grade level that can alternate with Science units during the year. We're currently in the process of piloting potential curricula.  Before moving to adoption we would need to evaluate and pilot potential options. Due to our District's financial budgetary constraints and making sure that teachers can focus on the newly adopted ELA curriculum, it will not be feasible to get to adoption this upcoming school year. However, our team is committed to trying to provide ongoing social studies resources to teachers across K-5. Social Studies instruction prioritizes building a strong foundation in community and the understanding that every community member (citizen) has a voice in the ways our communities function and are built. We explore history/social studies as windows to the past and present while working together to intentionally build a classroom community rooted in the SFUSD Humanizing Values (knowledge of self, solidarity, and self-determination) and core concepts of Ethnic Studies.

Land Acknowledgement Video

As a district we acknowledge our place as guests on Raymutash Ohlone land. This is the district elementary level land acknowledgement that you can share with students and families at the beginning of meetings, class or any other function when a land acknowledgement would be appropriate. You can also click the button underneath for a 4 minute video of the Land Acknowledgement and a Grandmother's Song done in Yelamu by Kanyon COYOTEWOMAN Sayers-Roods

Elementary Level Land Acknowledgement

Sample Units by grade level

This section has examples of units that could be used in specific grade levels as we continue to develop and evaluate the History/Social Studies/Equity Studies curriculum

Past Professional Development

This section will link you to past professional development agendas, slideshows, and/or recordings

2022/23 District Buyback Day Elementary HSS Slideshow

Here are the slideshow and agenda links from August 15, 2022 PD



Feedback form for  HSS Department

Feedback form for District

California Indian Museum and Cultural Center Sensitivity Training

Here is a recording of the CIMCC training presented in partnership with the Indian Education Program that took place May 7, 2022



PD Opportunity: ‘Teaching Hard History’ Podcast Dr. Debbie Reese 2019


Use Prop G hours as Dr. Debbie Reese explains what to look for and avoid (or teach with a critical lens) when selecting children’s books by and about Indigenous people. She also recommends specific books to counter common misconceptions in your classroom.

Learning for Justice

Native 360 Teacher Workshop Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks:Telling More Complete Narratives in Your Classroom

A 2 part webinar that addresses ways to tell a more complete narrative in the classroom around Thanksgiving


2023/24 Buyback Day HSS Slide Deck and video

Here is the link Slidedeck  and short video for 2023/24 Buyback day



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This page was last updated on September 13, 2024