Promotion and Retention Link to this section
Kindergarten Link to this section
Students who have spent a full year in Kindergarten may not be retained if the parent/guardian/caregiver does not consent to retention. (CA Education Code 48011)
Elementary and Middle School Link to this section
Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and meeting grade-level standards of expected student achievement. Teachers shall identify students who should be retained or who are at risk of retention as early as possible in the school year.
Students shall be identified for retention on the basis of failure to meet minimum levels of proficiency, as indicated by grades, passage of minimum standards assessments, student work and attendance. (SFUSD Board Policy 5123)
Parents/guardians/caregivers do not have the right to unilaterally make the decision to promote or retain their child, but do have the right to appeal the teacher’s decision to the Superintendent or designee within 10 days of the decision to retain. (SFUSD Administrative Regulation 5123)
The parent/guardian/caregiverbears the burden of showing why the teacher’s decision should be overruled. (SFUSD Administrative Regulation 5123)
High School Link to this section
High School Promotion Minimum Requirements
Grade 9 <50 credits
Grade 10 50 Credits
Grade 11 110 Credits
Grade 12 170 Credits
To Graduate 230 Credits
Special Education Link to this section
With regard to special education students, the determination as to the appropriate standards for promotion or retention should be made as part of the IEP process. (SFUSD BP 5123)
This page was last updated on August 19, 2022