5.5.5 Bus Safety Rules

Bus Safety Rules Link to this section

Riding the yellow school bus to and from school is a privilege.  Students must obey the rules or lose the privilege.  Students who ride the bus are expected to:

  • Be on time at the bus stop.
  •  Show good manners at the bus stop.  This includes staying near the bus stop area, keeping off private property, not disturbing plants or shrubs.  Bus stops are a part of school jurisdiction and all school rules apply.
  • Obey the bus driver.

School Bus Rules and Conduct Link to this section

  1. Students must follow safety procedures.
  2. Students must not destroy property.
  3. Students must not fight, push, or trip.
  4. Students must not eat, drink, or litter on the bus.
  5. Students must not use unacceptable language.
  6. Students must remain seated until the bus driver arrives at the stop, and the bus door is opened.

Consequences Link to this section

The following consequences will occur for student misconduct on the school bus:

  • First offense
    • (A)  Conference with the student.
    • (B)  Parent/guardian/caregiver will be notified.
    • (C)  Warning citation will be issued.
  • Second offense
    • Restorative conference with student and parent/guardian (and others impacted by student behavior).
  • Third offense
    • (A)  Written notification to parent/guardian/caregiver.
    • (B)  Student will be denied bus transportation for 3-5 days.
  • Fourth offense
    • After notifying the parent/guardian/caregiver, permanent suspension from all SFUSD bus transportation for the remainder of the school year.


This page was last updated on August 22, 2021